Page 196 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 196

CPS1881 Mike S.C. et al.
                  not satisfatory with the LD case when two curves were quite close to each
                  other.  It  is  worth  noting  that  the  proposed  LR  tests  derived  from  count
                  statistics  of  bivariate  data  are  applicable  to  random  samples  of  any  two
                  distributions whether they are independent or not. We conclude this study
                  with  a  brief  explanation  that  the  LR  tests  are  developed  along  with  the
                  rationale of a nonparametric sign test for the difference curve between two
                  Lorenz curves.

                  2.  Methodology
                  The Lorenz curve:
                      Assume  that  a  non-negative  random  variable  X  has  an  absolutely
                  continuous distribution with continuous probability density f, finite mean  =
                  E and variance  = Var. Let { ,  = 1, ⋯ , } and {,  = 1, ⋯ , } denote
                  random samples of variables X and Y with cumulative distribution functions
                  (cdf) F and G, and probability density functions (pdf) f and g, respectively. The
                  empirical cdf of the { } is defined by () = ∑   ( ≤ ), 0 ≤  < ∞; the
                  quantile function and the empirical quantile function are defined by  −1 () =
                  inf{: () ≥ } and  −1 () = inf{: () ≥ }, 0 ≤  ≤ 1, respectively. Similar
                  notations for the variable Y are defined by analogy.
                  Definition 1. The Lorenz curve of the random variable  is, for 0 ≤    ≤ 1,
                                             () =    0  −1 (),
                  and the empirical Lorenz curve is
                                             () =  1  ∫  −1 (),                               (2.1)
                                                    ̂   0
                  where ̂ = ∑     (= ) is the sample mean.
                  Likelihood ratio (LR) test statistics:
                      Consider the null hypothesis   of CLC between distribution functions F
                  and G, and the alternative hypothesis   of LD. Specifically, let  =  01 ∪ 
                  present two distinct cases of CLC:    denotes the case of a single intersection,
                  say,   crosses   once from above; and   denotes the situation of having
                  two or more intersection points, which rarely occurs in practice.
                  Case 1. Under  , there exists a unique  ∈ (0, 1) such that  () ≡  () −
                   () > 0,  ∈ (0,  ); ( ) = 0; and () < 0,  ∈ ( , 1). By convexity of the
                  Lorenz curve, () is concave on [0,  ), and convex on ( , 1]. That is,
                               () =     1     −      1     < 0,                                       (2.2)
                                         ( −1 ())    ( −1 ())
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