Page 213 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 213

CPS1892 Yang Xinhong
            "macro-index-estimation-method"  or  "indirect-estimation-method"  to
            estimate the scale of "NOF", which is apt to subject to the theoretical basis of
            the  relationship  between  "NOF"  and  other  macroeconomic  indicators.
            Without being able to clarify the theoretical relationship between "NOF" and
            the  official  economy,  the  estimation  outcome  will  inevitably  be  biased.
            Therefore, this paper intends to explore the application of micro-method, that
            is, "direct-estimation-method", with self-employed households in Shenzhen
            as samples. This method calculates the scale of "NOF" and the added value of
            "NOF" activities, basing on the data obtained through the statistical survey of
            the objects involved in the "NOF". The theoretical value of this research lies in
            the first attempt in China to determine the scale of "NOF" activities by direct-
            survey-method, while its practical significance lies in providing reference for
            further improving the system of statistical methods, improving statistical work,
            understanding the situation of off-balance-sheet finance and cash flow from
            abnormal  channel,  and  facilitating  financial  activities  better  serve  the  real

            2. The Design of "NOF" Survey Scheme
                As both a leading frontier of reform and opening up and a model city of
             economic transformation, Shenzhen's pillar industry is the financial industry.
             With both the enormous scale of traditional financial activities over the years
             and  the  vigorous  development  of  various  emerging  financial  industries  in
             recent  years,  the  financial  indicators  have  maintained  sustainably  stable
             growth. By researching the scale of "NOF" in the real economy of Shenzhen
             and  further  studying  its  disturbance  to  the  economic  operation,  the
             government is able to correctly judge the financial and economic situation,
             thus  to  facilitate  the  decision-making  to  accurately  implement  various
             financial policies.
             2.1 The Scope, Object and Content of the Survey
               With various economic entities in the System of National Accounts, capital
             flow  accounting  is  classified  into  the  sectors  of  non-financial  enterprises,
             financial  institutions,  government  and  household.  According  to  the
             characteristics  of  China,  economic  units  are  divided  into  enterprises,  self-
             employed  households,  households  and  administrative  institutions.
             Considering the principle of feasibility, the scope and object of this survey are
             "NOF" loan activities of self-employed households within Shenzhen. "NOF"
             loan  activities  refer  to  the  activities  to  finance  the  operating  capital  by
             economic units through commercial credit (inter-enterprise loan, credit), folk
             lending  usury,  social  fund-raising  and  interpersonal  loan.  The  specific
             classification of economic units and the subjects of this survey are shown in
             Table 1.

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