Page 217 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 217

CPS1892 Yang Xinhong
             industry associations' staffs that are familiar with the situation. The sample
             size of "NOF" is 190, including 140 "big self-employed households" and 50
             "general self-employed households".
                 For  the  sample  of  "big  self-employed  households",  a  group  of  three
             people  will  carry  out  the  interview  and  survey.  First,  the  market  manager
             contacts the interviewees and makes an introduction in order to dispel their
             misgiving; then the survey interviewer explains the purpose of the survey, the
             method  of  sampling,  the  significance  of  the  authenticity  of  the  extracted
             samples to the representativeness, the scope of use of the survey data and
             the  principle  of  confidentiality.  After  the  interviewees'  approval,  the
             interviewer will inquire in detail about the turnover times, capital amount, the
             proportion of "NOF" and other indicators. Industry associations' staff makes
             a judgment about their credibility.
                 For the sample of "general self-employed households", in order to dispel
             the interviewees' misgiving and raise the credibility, only market managers
             are entrusted to conduct the survey by applying unstructured interview (that
             is, market managers who are familiar with the main content of the survey chat
             to get the survey results without questionnaire), with focus on "NOF" amount.
             2.3.2 Hold a forum to survey the industry development and financial
                 Invite the director and professional personnel from Shenzhen Trade and
            Services  Association,  Shenzhen  Gold  and  Jewelry  Industry  Association,
            Shenzhen Cell Phone Association and Unifortune Supply Chain Management
            Co.,  Ltd,  a  total  of  12  people  to  carry  on  a  forum  for  the  purpose  of
            understanding  the  operation  status  of  the  whole  industry,  the  financing
            channel and scale of empirical data. "Shenzhen Industry Development and
            Financial  Activities  Questionnaire"  will  be  distributed  and  collected  in  the

             3. "NOF" Scale Measurement and Evaluation
             3.1 Distribution of Sample Values and Statistics
             3.1.1 Distribution of Character Values of the Sample Unit
                 Among the 190 samples, 56 self-employed households had no "NOF" in
             2015. Besides their owned capital, the operating capital mainly comes from
             formal financial institutions (banks) through mortgage (houses and goods).
             134 self-employed households had "NOF", among which gold and jewelry
             account  for  the  largest  amount.  They  mainly  make  loans  through  "NOF"
             activities, with the amount over RMB 10 million. This is mainly due to the large
             amount of the gold and jewelry business: in 2015, the operating income of
             the 30 sample units was RMB 10.268 billion, with an average of RMB 340
             million for each sample. The volume of transactions is so large that it requires

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