Page 215 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 215

CPS1892 Yang Xinhong
                        Table 2 "NOF" unit number in relevant strata and the sample size

                 In the practical survey, sample replacement happens when sample unit
             refuses to obey, the data provided is undoubtedly false, or contacts cannot
             be reached. The principle of sample replacement is to extract the next one of
             the  isometric  sampling  position  of  the  original  sample,  excluding  the
             following situations:(1) samples without "NOF" activities during the reporting
             period (the "NOF" amount is 0); (2) samples of extinction (closing down) (the
             "NOF" amount is treated as 0); (3) samples having moved out of Shenzhen
             (the "NOF" amount is treated as 0).
             2.2.2 Parameter Estimation
                 Point estimation-The total "NOF" amount of self-employed households
             in the whole city is obtained by point estimation, and the data are obtained
             by adding the parameters of the "big self-employed households" stratum and
             the  "general  self-employed  households"  stratum.  The  detailed  calculation
             formula is shown in Table 3.

               Table 3 "NOF" population amount and calculation formula for parameter in each stratum

                 Interval  estimation-The  interval  estimation  (95%  confidence  level  Z
             distribution) of the total "NOF" amount of the self-employed households in
             Shenzhen can be calculated by the following formula:
                                         +  0.025 . √( )                    (1)

                                         −  0.025 . √( )                    (2)

                 The population variance of "NOF" amount of self-employed households
             and "big self-employed households" in Shenzhen can be calculated by the
             following fonnula.
                                        ( ) = ∑ ( )                                                      (3)

                                                               204 | I S I   W S C   2 0 1 9
   210   211   212   213   214   215   216   217   218   219   220