Page 219 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 219

CPS1892 Yang Xinhong
                             Table 7 Statistic of proportion of "NOF" in operating capital

             3.2 Population Parameters
             3.2.1 Points Estimation of "NOF"
                 According  to  the  calculation  formula  of  population  parameters  (point
             estimation is adopted for  parameters of  each stratum), the "NOF" of self-
             employed households in the jurisdiction of Shenzhen is RMB 72.417 billion.
             Among them, the "NOF" of the "big self-employed households" is RMB 43.842
             billion, accounting for 60.5% of  the total, and the "NOF" of "general self-
             employed individuals" is RMB 28.575 billion, accounting for 39.5% of the total.
             The results of the "NOF" parameters of each stratum are shown in Table 8.
                                 Table 8 Points Estimation of “NOF" Amount

             Note: For "big self-employed households" , points estimation of  “NOF”=operating income÷turn of capital
             x the proportion of "NOF" in operating capital : For "general self-employee households", points estimation

             of "NOF"="NOF" mean of sample x population unit number.
             3.2.2 Interval Estimation of "NOF"
                 Basing on the 95% probability to calculate the parameter interval of the
             "NOF" of both the population and each stratum, it is estimated that the total
             "NOF" amount of the self-employed households is at least RMB 56.564 billion
             and at most RMB 88.27 billion. From the perspective of variance, "gold and
             jewelry  wholesale",  "flower  retail"  and  "mobile  phone  wholesale"  have
             relatively small variance due to operational characteristics. Without further
             stratification, the variances of "other large self-employed households" and
             "general self-employed households" are very large. So it can be seen that the
             diversity of commodities is related to the difference of "NOF" to some extent.
             The results of the parameter interval estimation of "NOF" are shown in Table

                                Table 9 Interval Estimation of "NOF" Amount

                                                               208 | I S I   W S C   2 0 1 9
   214   215   216   217   218   219   220   221   222   223   224