Page 224 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 224

CPS1904 Tímea B. et al.

                               Plutus – A new tool to standardise the metadata
                                           of seasonal adjustment
                                           Tímea Baczakó, Mária Pécs
                                         Hungarian Central Statistical Office

                  Standardisation  and  process-driven  developments  of  methodological  and
                  information  technological  services  have  always  existed  at  the  Hungarian
                  Central Statistical Office, even if they have not been common and uniform for
                  the  whole  institution  or  the  whole  statistical  business  process  chain.  The
                  philosophy of this Business Architecture model is cross-cutting, thus it covers
                  all subject-matter domains, their data and metadata flows in an integrated
                  way.  The  driving  force  behind  using  standards  in  the  Hungarian  Central
                  Statistical Office is to support the efficient operation of the organisation and
                  to foster harmonisation of its statistical activities and also the statistical and
                  the  non-statistical  (supporting)  activities.  The  Hungarian  Central  Statistical
                  Office currently concentrates on the modernisation and operationalisation of
                  its BA and considers it as a main driver for the modernisation activities. As part
                  of  this  modernisation,  the  Hungarian  Central  Statistical  Office  revised  its
                  previous business process model according to the Generic Statistical Business
                  Process Model ver. 5.0; the Hungarian adaptation of the Generic Statistical
                  Business  Process  Model,  called  ‘Egységes  Statisztikai  Folyamat  Modell’  in
                  Hungarian was created. After this, in the last year the seasonal adjustment, one
                  of the sub-processes of ‘Egységes Statisztikai Folyamat Modell’, was part of
                  the  modernization  and  standardisation.  The  focus  was  on  the  handling
                  metadata of seasonal adjustment. Seasonal adjustment is an integrated step
                  of the statistical business process in the official statistics, therefore a proper
                  system that guarantees the high quality results is important for every National
                  Statistical Institute. The aim of Plutus, the system presented in this paper could
                  support seasonal adjustment in more integrated way in a National Statistical
                  Institute with a standard metainformation system in place. Quality of metadata
                  can  be  assured  among  others  when  they  are  up-to-date,  comparable,
                  consistent, available, standardised, related, complete, and understandable.
                  The Hungarian Central Statistical Office has more than 40 years of history on
                  the field of metadata integration where development is never finished, but
                  we can stop at a certain point at take a snapshot of the current state-of-the-
                  art.  Creative  thinking  for  developing  and  implementing  standards  and
                  general  overview  of  the  integrated  system  is  necessary  to  conduct  the
                  methodological improvements.

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