Page 221 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 221

CPS1892 Yang Xinhong
             collect the proportion of "NOF" loan capital according to the source channels
             in the survey.
             4.1 Financial Intermediary Services by Indirect Measure
                 From  the  perspective  of  national  accounting,  this  kind  of  capital
             borrowing and lending is the output of financial intermediary services, which
             does not directly charge service fees, but actually produces financial services
             related  to  deposit  and  lending  interest  fees.  SNA  provides  a  method  to
             indirectly measure the financial intermediary services (FISIM).
                 SNA2008 improves the calculation method of FISIM. It is suggested to use
             the  reference-rate-method  to  calculate  FISIM  for  all  deposit  and  lending
             (including self-owned capital), and to presume that all deposit and lending
             services provided by financial institutions have been charged indirect service
             fees, regardless of the source of capital. At the same time, it is concluded from
             SNA that financial institutions do not necessarily provide both deposit and
             lending  services.  Therefore,  based  on  SNA2008,  it  is  suggested  that  an
             unincorporated lender with self-owned capital should also be regarded as a
             financial  institution  that  provides  lending  services,  while  the  output  of  its
             lending  services  should  be  regarded  as  the  virtual  lending  service  fee
             according to the calculation method of FISIM.
             4.2 The Value-added Accounting of Self-employed Households' "NOF"
                 of Shenzhen in 2015
                 For lenders with their own capital, lending service output FISIM = lending
             service  fee  =  lending  amount  x  (lending  interest  rate-reference  rate).  The
             added value of lending activities of the self-employed households' "NOF" is
             calculated as follows. First, it is assumed that:
             1. The " annual average NOF balance" of self-employed households in 2015
               is  RMB  72.417  billion  in  this  survey  (this  data  should  be  time  points
               numbers, and the lending balance at different time points throughout the
               year changes; thus it makes it simply by assuming that the self-employed
               households' "NOF" scale throughout the year is basically stable).
             2. The lending interest rate of the unincorporated lender refers to the annual
               interest rate of the bank for the personal unsecured credit lending, which
               is about 9%.
             3. The reference interest rate is weighted by the average deposit and lending
               balance  of  Shenzhen  in  2015,  and  the  one-year  deposit  and  lending
               benchmark interest rate of the People's Bank of China at the end of the
                                      56725.61               30248.86
              Reference interest rate  =          X1.5% +                X4.35% = 2.49%
                                  30248.86 + 56725.61    30248.86 + 56725.61
                 Based on the FISIM calculation method and the assumptions above, the
             output and added value of "NOF" activities of self-employed households in
             2015 are calculated as follows:

                                                               210 | I S I   W S C   2 0 1 9
   216   217   218   219   220   221   222   223   224   225   226