Page 236 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 236

CPS1907 Klaudia M. T. et al.
                           Figure 2 Number of internet and phone subscriptions in Hungary

                       1 600 000                                             14 000 000
                       1 400 000                                             12 000 000

                       1 200 000
                                                                             10 000 000
                       1 000 000
                                                                             8 000 000
                        800 000
                                                                             6 000 000
                        600 000
                                                                             4 000 000
                        400 000
                        200 000                                              2 000 000
                            0                                                0

                             Wireless                        Number of fixed lines
                             Number of mobile subscription   Public swiched network via modem
                             xDSL                            Cable-tv
                              Other (included optic cable)

                  Source: HCSO
                      Some physical indicators follows a logistic curve. The above figure shows
                  that  the  telecommunication  channels  –  except  of  wireless,  other  (included
                  optic cable) and cable-tv internet subscriptions– reached their saturation. The
                  saturation in case of wireless internet may be expected in the near future, but
                  the 5th generation wireless systems (5G) technology can give new impetus to
                  growth. The 5G is expected to become widely available in Hungary in 2020-
                      The  5G  technology  is  appropriate  for  real  time,  mobile  data  traffic.
                  However,  the  possibilities  of  5G  line  are  not  only  in  its  speed,  but  in  its
                  integrated network intelligence and its collaboration with other technologies.
                  The  new  technology  can  bring  significant  improvements,  for  example  in
                  health, transport, education and industry. (Portfólió (2018b))
                      The high quality optical cable network is a precondition for 5G. Therefore
                  the significant growth in optical cable networks is currently characteristic in
                  Hungary,  over  the  next  ten  years,  Hungary  will  be  connecting  more  than
                  100,000 kilometres with new optical cables. This improvement can cause an
                  additional increase in cable tv subscriptions, which is one of the typical form
                  of households’ internet subscription in Hungary. (Portfólió (2018a))
                      The  internet  subscription  forms  can  substitute  each  other  in  a  certain
                  extent, but it is complementary relation between wired and wireless network
                  as well. Moreover, the changing in user needs causes different penetration
                  rates and structure of telecommunication channels.

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