Page 234 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 234

CPS1907 Klaudia M. T. et al.
                                         Figure 1 The steps of estimation
                          • seasonal adjustment of all variables
                          • test the stacionarity of time series
               Identification   • identification of  integration order (I(d))

                          • making graph of variables to analyze the growth and to find the inflection point
               Exploring the   • calculation of correlation in selected sub periods

                          • construction of TVC model with the detected variables in full sample
                          • estimat ion of parameters by using the maximum likelihood method and
                Estimation   smoothed Kalman filter

                          • forecast of gross value added of information and communication industry
                          • test the predictive ability of model

                      This paper follows the above steps to determine the TVC model. First, the
                   series have to be seasonally adjusted by X11 method and tested whether they
                   are I(0). A series Xt is said to be integrated with order d, written I(d) means
                   that it needs to be differenced d times to make it stationary. The inflection
                   points  of  physical  indicators  help  to  determine  the  intervals  where  this
                   indicators have a significant effect on the gross value added. To the accurate
                   determination of intervals was applied the rolling window method.
                      On the basis of second step analysis and Figure 1, six variables would be
                   selected for the TVC model.  The TVC model is a kind of state space models.
                   Our  fitted  model  follows  the  model  of  Hall,  Swamy  and  Tavlas,  and  it  is
                   described by the two types of equations. (Hall et al. (2014)) First the basic
                   equation is determined, in this formula the parameters depend on time. In
                   the state space model this equation is the signal:
                   = 0 +11                                                (1)
                         The  state  equations  are  described  for  the  parameters  of  the  signal
                  equation. In the model of Hall et al. it is the driver equations.

                  0                   0                                           (2)
                  1                      1 +1                           (3)
                      The advantage of state space model is that describes linear connections
                  between variables and can  handle non-linearity of variables, therefore it is
                  suitable  for  the  estimation  of  gross  value  added  in  information  and
                  communication  with  taken  into  consideration  the  changes  in  physical

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