Page 235 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 235

CPS1907 Klaudia M. T. et al.
            3.  Data
                The  GDP  flash  estimation  in  Hungary  built  on  bottom  up approach  by
            production side, and fit autoregressive models with explanatory variables on
            ten sections (A10) breakdown of Statistical
                Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community (NACE).
            (Cserháti et al. (2009)) The information and communication industry had 4.3%
            share in the GDP in 2017, and it included the branches which are listed in the
            Table 1.
                     Table 1 The sections of information and communication industry
              J58.. - Publishing activities
              J59.. - Motion picture, video and television programme production, sound
              recording and music publishing activities
              J60.. - Programming and broadcasting activities
              J61.. - Telecommunications
              J62.. - Computer programming, consultancy and related activities
              J63.. - Information service activities
                 The  first  three  activities  include  activities  which  are  connected  to  the
            media  activities,  and  the  last  three  include  the  activities  relating
            telecommunication and information technology. Therefore the sections were
            grouped. The 61-63 sections are estimated utilizing the physical indicators of
            information technology and telecommunication by TVC model. The estimated
            result  will  be  built  in  the  autoregressive  model  of  information  and
            communication. The 61-63 sections had a share of 78% of gross value added
            in information and communication industry in 2017.
                 The available physical indicators such as mobile phone minutes, landline
            phone minutes, number of pieces of internet in connected lines, other internet
            access, wireless, x digital subscriber line (xdsl), cable TV and the number of
            employees  in  information  and  communication  industry  seem  to  be  good
            proxies  to  forecast  of  gross  value  added  of  the  Information  and
            communication  industry.  Based  on  preliminary  examination  two  main
            problems are faced. The first is that in some periods are the physical indicators
            significant and in other periods appear they to be insignificant because of
            structural breaks. The development of physical indicators cause two problems.
            The  first  problem  occurs  due  to  the  substitution  of  telecommunication
            channels. The second problem is related to the diffusion of new technologies
            with the further existence of previous technologies.
                 The spread of telecommunication networks in Hungary is a good example
            to show the penetration of new infrastructure related to cross-fertilization of
            technological changes. The Figure 2 draws up the number of wired, mobile
            internet subscription, as well the number of fixed and mobile phone lines.

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