Page 252 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 252

CPS1909 Retius C. et al.
                      In this paper, we utilize the mean excess plot and the parameter stability
                  plot for threshold selections.

                  Pearson type-IV distribution
                      The generalized family of frequency curves, now known as the Pearsonian
                  system  of  curves,  was  first  developed  by  Karl  Pearson  (Cheng,  2011).  The
                  Pearsonian family includes members such as the normal, student-, F, gamma,
                  beta,  inverse  Gaussian,  Pareto  and  Pearson  type-IV  distributions.  The
                  probability density function (pdf) of the Pearson’s type-IV distribution (PIVD)
                  is given by            −
                    () =  [1 + ( − ) ]  × exp [−tan −1 ( − )],
                  where  > 1 2, ,  > 0, −∞ <  < ∞ ,  are real valued parameters and  =
                  2 2−2 |Γ(− 2)| 2  is a normalization constant that depends on ,  and . The
                  pdf of the Pearson type-IV distribution is invariant under simultaneous change
                  ( to −,  to – ).
                  Stable distribution
                     The stable distribution (SD) is a class of probability distributions described
                  by  four  parameters  namely:  an  index  of  stability.  Also  referred  to  as  the
                  shape  parameter  in  the  literature  with  range   0 <  ≤ 2,     the  skewness
                  parameter  with  range −1 ≤  ≤ 1,  ≥ 0 the  scale  parameter,  and  ∈ ℝ a
                  location parameter. These distributions are widely used in practice because
                  they allow for skewness and heavy tails. Although many parametrization can
                  be used to describe the characteristic function of a stable distribution, it does
                  not  have  an  analytical  form  in  general.  We  follow  the  -parametrization
                  suggested  by  Nolan  (2003)  and  say  a  random  variable  follows  a  stable
                  distribution if its characteristic function is given by
                           exp (− || [1 + tan    (sign )(|| 1−  − 1)] + ) ,       ≠ 1
                  (  ) = {           2                                                       (5)
                            exp (−|| [1 +   (sign )log (||)] + )   ,                        = 1
                  The sign function used in equation (5) above is defined as
                            −1      < 0
                  sign  = { 0         = 0
                            1         > 0
                  For the  = 1 case, log at  = 0, is interpreted as lim ↓0 log = 0.
                  VaR and Backtesting
                     Value‐at‐Risk (VaR) has become a benchmark for evaluating market risks.
                  This risk measure is used to assess the maximum possible loss for a portfolio
                  over  a  specified  time  period  (McNeil  et  al,  2005).  There  are  two  main
                  approaches to calculating VaR for financial data. The parametric method and
                  the  non‐parametric  method  (Brooks  and  Persand,  2000).  In  this  paper,  we
                  estimate VaR using the proposed distributions (the parametric approach) and

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