Page 251 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 251

CPS1909 Retius C. et al.
            combining  dynamic  volatility  models  with  heavy-tailed  distributions  in
            modelling South African financial data. In this paper, we extend the work of
            Paolella (2016) by proposing an APARCH (1,1)-GPD model, APARCH (1,1)-
            PIVD  model  and  compare  it  with  the  APARCH-SD  model  to  the  daily
            FTSE/JSE All Share Price returns. We estimate VaR and then select the more
            robust model using the Kupiec likelihood ratio test.
                The rest of the paper is organised as follows. In section 2, we provide some
            background theory on APARCH(1,1), generalized Pareto distribution, Pearson
            type-IV distribution, stable distribution, VaR and backtesting. The data used in
            this study is described in Section 3. Section 4 presents the empirical results
            and discussions. Finally, Section 5 concludes this work.

            2.  Methodology
                In this section, we present some background theory on the APARCH(1,1)
            model  combined  with  generalized  Pareto,  Pearson  type-IV  and  stable
            distributions. We also discuss VaR and backtesting procedures.
            APARCH (1,1) model
               Ding et al. (1993), introduced the APARCH model as an extension of the
            GARCH model. The APARCH generalized both the ARCH and GARCH models.
            The structure of the volatility equation is given by
              =  + ∑  (| − | +    ) + ∑                                                                          (1)
                      =1                  =1
            where  > 0,   ≥ 0,  ≥ 0, and  0 ≤ ∑    + ∑    ≤ 1.   and   are the
            ARCH and GARCH coefficients respectively and    is the leverage coefficient.
            When   is positive, it implies that the negative shocks has stronger impact on
            price  volatility  than  the  positive  shocks.  is  a  positive  real  number  which
            functions as the symmetric power transformation of  . Considering the case,
            where  = 1 for   =  = 1, then the volatility equation becomes:
             =  +  (| −1 | +    ) +  
                                  1 −1
                                            1 −1
            Generalized Pareto distribution
               The  two‐parameter  generalized  Pareto  distribution  (GPD),  with  scale
            parameter β and shape parameter ξ, has the following distribution function
                        1 − (1 +   ) −1/  if  ≠ 0
              () = {    
                        1 −  −( )       if  = 0
            Where  =  −    are the exceedances above the threshold  and  > 0 when
             ≥ 0, 0 ≤  ≤ −/ξ when  < 0, and the scale parameter  > 0 (Tsay, 2013).
            Threshold selection

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