Page 362 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 362

CPS1966 Jessa L. S. C. et al.
                  the second model. Both are within the threshold of 20%. However, since the
                  latter has a smaller misclassification, this was considered the final model.
                      From the significant coefficients above, it can be interpreted that Unit-
                  linked  is  preferred  over  Other  Traditional  if  the  amount  of  life  insurance
                  coverage shifts from between P1,500,000 and P2,000,000 to below P1,000,000.
                  This indicates that aside from Unit-linked which was discussed earlier, Other
                  Traditional  is  also  preferred  by  clients  who  are  interested  in  getting  large
                  protection coverage. However, it can also be seen that Other Traditional is
                  preferred over Unit-linked if the income shifts from above P150,000 to below
                  P50,000 which means that Other Traditional is the preference for the segment
                  with lower income but would like to have a larger protection. This is reasonable
                  since under Other Traditional falls Term Products which offer large insurance
                  coverage at a lower cost than Unit-linked.
                      Another  insight  is  that  Unit-linked  is  preferred  over  Endowment  if  the
                  income shifts to between P50,000 and P150,000 from above P150,000; and
                  Unit-linked is preferred over Endowment if the insured is same as owner. These
                  two  when  combined  matches  the  insight  from CART  that clients  that  earn
                  around P95,000 or higher prefers to purchase Unit-linked plans for himself.
                      For Random Forest, the estimated error rate for each of the combinations
                  of mtry and M was computed for the validation data of the splits. The total
                  misclassification  rates  are  12.45%,  and  13.40%  respectively.  Since  the  full
                  model has lower total misclassification, this was considered as the final model
                  for Random Forest.
                      Unlike CART, Random Forest does not generate a structure that represents
                  the relationship between the predictors. Instead, insights on the model are
                  produced from the influence of the variable to the prediction. The importance
                  of a variable is determined by the change in impurity in the prediction. This
                  was  performed  using  the  importance  function  in  R.  Likewise,  the  partial
                  influence  of  the  most  “important”  variables  were  determined  using  Partial
                  Dependence Plots. The results are shown below:

                      For the full model, it shows that more Unit-linked and Other Traditional
                  policies are preferred if the amount of insurance is higher. Also, if the insured

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