Page 396 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 396

CPS1995 Daniel B. et al.
                  2.  Methodology
                      Assume  that  a  random  sample  of  size  n  from  a  fixed  distribution  F  is
                  observed,  where  the  observations  are  confined  to  intervals  given  by  pre-
                  defined  fixed  points  within  the  support  of  F.    In  this  section  we  consider
                  estimation of parameters using interval information.
                      Formally, let  ( , … ,  ) be independently and identically distributed (IID)
                  latent random variables with distribution F and consider fixed points  , … , 
                  in  the  support  of  F  such  that  −1  <   ,  = 1, … , , where   = −∞   and
                    =  ∞ .  Let   represent the count or frequency of the (unobserved)  ′
                  falling in the ith interval ( −1 ,  ],  i = 1, . . . , k.   In order to account for
                  information from subjects who prematurely discontinue from the trial, we also
                  consider right-censored observations, i.e., intervals of the form (, ∞) where a
                  is in the support of F.  Such intervals will overlap the fixed intervals ( −1 ,  ],  i
                  = 1, . .k. Denote the count for the interval ( , ∞) by  , s = 1, . . . , k-1 and
                  the total count for the non-overlapping intervals by 0. Thus, the data consists
                  of two sets of frequencies, (01, … , 0) for the non-overlapping intervals and
                  (1, … , −1)  for the overlapping intervals.  From these let  = ∑ −1   and
                   = ∑ −1   so that the total number of observations is  = 0 + 1.
                      In the presence of right-censored observations, the log-likelihood is given
                  by () = ∑  =1  log[( ; ) − ( −1 ;)] + ∑ −1  log[1 − ( ; )].
                  Note that () =  () +  () is just the respective sum of the log-likelihood
                  for uncensored intervals and for right-censored intervals. Similarly, the score
                  function ()  Hessian  matrix ()  and  information  matrix () admit  the
                  same  decomposition.  Thus, () =  () +  (), () =  () +  () and
                  () =  () +  () , where  ,   and   are the quantities corresponding to
                  the non-censored intervals and 1 , 1 and 1 are the quantities corresponding
                  to the right-censored intervals.
                      Estimation of the unknown parameter  can be done by maximizing the
                  log-likelihood  ().  In  general,  maximization  of  the  log-likelihood  will  not
                  admit a closed solution for the estimating equation   () = 0. Hence, the
                  maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) , must be obtained by using an iterative
                  approach such as a Newton-type method, a modified Fisher scoring algorithm,
                  or a modified EM-type algorithm.  Using the Newton-Raphson method, the
                  estimate of  at the ( + 1)  iteration is given by
                                            (+1)  =    −  −1 ()()| =          (1)
                      Where ()    () is the Fisher score function and () =   2  () is the
                  Hessian matrix. Iteration is terminated when | (+1)  −  | ≤  , for some pre-
                  specified amount . Under reasonable assumptions on (; ) and sufficiently
                  accurate initial value, the sequence of estimates  ()  enjoys local quadratic
                  convergence to  a  solution .  This solution is in fact the MLE of   if () is
                  concave and unimodal.
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