Page 395 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 395

CPS1995 Daniel B. et al.
            and from one biologic product to a biosimilar product (or one formulation to
            a bioequivalent formulation).
                The  regulatory  guideline  for  extrapolation  calls  for  the  extension  of
            information and conclusions available from studies in one or more subgroups
            of the patient population (source population(s)), or in related conditions or
            with related medicinal products, to make inferences for another subgroup of
            the population (target population), or condition or product.  This definition
            was  proposed  in  a  European  Medicines  Agency  (EMA)  concept  paper  on
            extrapolation  of  efficacy  and  safety  in  medicine  development.    This  then
            reduces the need to generate additional information (types of studies, design
            modifications, number of patients required) to reach conclusions for the target
            population, or condition or medicinal product.
                The procedure for extrapolation is facilitated by the notion of estimand as
            introduced in the revision of International Conference on Harmonization (ICH)
            E9(R1).  The proposed framework states that an estimand reflects what is to
            be estimated to address the scientific question of interest posed by a clinical
            trial.  The choice involves the population of interest, endpoint of interest, and
            measure of intervention effect.  Ultimately one can think about the problem
            of extrapolation as weighting of available data based on defined estimands
            [Akacha, M., et. al. (2017)] for the scientific question of interest.
                We  assume  that  observations  of  interest  arise  from  a  parametric
            distribution  function  whose  parameters  can  be  estimated  based  on  an
            estimating  equation  such  as  the  derivative  of  the  log-likelihood  function.
            Allowing the possibility of censored/grouped data transforms the likelihood
            expression into a likelihood involving counts of interval data by utilizing the
            latent  variable  concept  [Lazarsfeld,  P.  F.  &  Henry,  N.  W.  (1968)].  We  also
            assume that the observable outcomes are intervals of the form (a, b], a < b,
            where b is the maximum measurement level at which the subject experiences
            a defined response, e.g. treatment success, and a is the lower bound for such
            a response.  In this construction the measurement level defining the response
            is latent.
                The  paper  is  organized  as  follows.    Section  2  presents  the  maximum
            likelihood  procedure  for  estimating  distribution  parameters  under  a
            generalized  linear  models  setting.    Section  3  provides  the  extrapolation
            construction for a normal latent measurement variable and a homogeneous
            Poisson latent count of events. Then using large sample approximation, we
            show  an  approach  for  goodness-of  fit  testing  that  can  be  extended  to
            accommodate  an  extrapolation  setting.    Utility  of  the  estimation  and
            goodness-of-fit  testing  approach  is  shown  in  a  setting  where  we  evaluate
            efficacy in a subgroup of a clinical trial population using a marker of efficacy.
            Finally, Section 4 gives some concluding remarks.

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