Page 397 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 397

CPS1995 Daniel B. et al.
                If  is the MLE, its limiting distribution can be used to draw inferences on
             ,  = 1, … , . Using the fact that  → (,  −1 ()), where () = −(())
            The standard error of the estimator  , of  , is given by  ′  () where  ()
            is  the  i’th  diagonal  element  of  ()  [see  Serfling,  R.J.  (1980)].  Thus,  an
                                                                               2 ̂
            approximate 95% confidence interval for   is given by   , ±1.96 (  , ). A
            test for the general hypothesis :  =   can be conducted based on a Wald-
            type  statistic     = ( −  )′( −1 () )′( −  ) .  Under  H,   2  →  ,
            where  = ().
                To simplify model construction, we assume that F belongs to the family of
            exponential distributions, i.e., the probability density (mass) function is given
            by (; ) = ℎ(){∑ ′   ()  () − ()}. The exponential family is said
            to be in canonical form if  () =  ,  = 1, … ,  and it said to be curved if
            dim(Θ) < dim((Θ)). In the simplest case, i.e., canonical representation with r
            =  1,  we  assume  that () = ′ ,  where   = (|, ),  z  is  the  vector  of
            covariates (fixed and random),  is the vector of structural parameters and
            (. ) is the link function. This defines a generalized linear model representation
            for Y.

            3.  Result
                We now provide some constructions for extrapolation under a generalized
            linear mixed model setting using interval information. These constructions can
            certainly be extended to allow for more involved extrapolation cases.
            a.  Extrapolation with Normal Latent Variables
                We consider the simple case where ( ) =  +    +    +    .
                                                                  1 1
                                                                                  3 3
                                                                           2 2
            In  this  representation,  1 , for  all  = 1, … , , is  the  fixed  subject  covariate
            where   = 1, … ,   represents  the  subjects  associated  with  p  different
            estimands. Furthermore,   is the fixed estimand covariate where  = 1, … , .
            Lastly,  3  represents the treatment covariate. Also, we assume that the latent
            variable Y is normally distributed and observed in terms of the ordinal variable
             through the intervals ( −1, ,  ],  = 1, … ,  as defined in Section 2. Note
            that  in  applications,  the  fixed  covariates  for  subject  and  estimand  are
            measured  through  proxy  variables  to  facilitate  the  estimation  of  the  fixed
            subject effect 1 and fixed estimand effect 2.
                Assuming  that  = ( ,  ,  ,   ) as  the  parameter  to  be  estimated
            with Θ = {( ,  ):  ∈ ℝ,  = 0, … ,3;  > 0} as the parameter space then (1)
            is implemented using the log-likelihood

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