Page 401 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 401

CPS1995 Daniel B. et al.
             Table 1. Interval Information for Efficacious Response by Treatment Group (Intent-
                                         to-Treat Population)
             Type of Subject    Totals    Active Comparator       Study Drug
                                          Interval   Count        Interval     Count
             Completer                    (-∞, 20]   12           (-∞, 12.5]   11
                                          (20, 40]   5            (12.5, 25]   7
                                          (40, 60]   5            (25, 50]     5
                                          (60, ∞)    7            (50, ∞)      6
                                n0                   29                        29
             Non-Completer      m1 (M1)   (20, ∞)    0 (17)       (12.5, ∞)    2 (20)
             (Right-Censored)   m2 (M2)   (40, ∞)    3 (15)       (25, ∞)      2 (13)
                                m3 (M3)   (60, ∞)    0 (7)        (50, ∞)      0 (6)
                Table 2. Asymptotic Goodness-of-Fit Test and Estimation Results for Normal
             Active                                 Study Drug
             Interval       Observed   Null        Interval      Observed    Null
                            Proportions  Proportions             Proportions  Proportions
             (-∞, 20]       0.4138     0.3707      (-∞, 12.5]    0.3793      0.3505
             (20, 40]       0.1724     0.1783      (12.5, 25]    0.2414      0.1544
             (40, 60]       0.1724     0.1687      (25, 50]      0.1724      0.2846
             (60, ∞)        0.2413     0.2822      (50, ∞)       0.2069      0.2105
             (20, ∞)        -----      -----       (12.5, ∞)     0.7878      0.6495
             (40, ∞)        0.4687     0.4509      (25, ∞)       0.4193      0.4951
             (60, ∞)        -----      -----       (50, ∞)       -----       -----

               Value (df)   0.3244 (3)             Value     2.7871 (3)
             p-Value        0.9554                 p-Value       0.4256
             Mean           34.5569                Mean          24.6160
             Variance       1948.8692              Variance      995.2267
             SE(Mean)       8.7568                 SE(Mean)      6.2186
             Log-Likelihood   -40.6699             Log-Likelihood   -42.5122

                                                               390 | I S I   W S C   2 0 1 9
   396   397   398   399   400   401   402   403   404   405   406