Page 398 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 398

CPS1995 Daniel B. et al.
                  Where  ( , … ,  −1 )  represent  the  right-censored  counts  and   =
                  (1,  1 ,  ,  3 ) are the covariates. Estimation of  and testing of : = 0
                  will proceed as described in Section 2.
                  b.  Extrapolation for Poisson Counts
                      Here  we  introduce  a  construction  for  modelling  of  event  counts.  We
                  assume that the underlying count process is a homogeneous Poisson process
                  with  the  conditional  mean  given  by  ( ) = log( ) =  + log  1  +
                  log  2  +    . In this representation, 1 is the random subject effect, whereas
                            1 3
                  2 is the random estimand effect. In a variety of applications, it is reasonable
                  to assume that 1=1112 where 11 represents the subject’s time at risk and 12
                  denotes  frailty.  For  simplicity,  one  can  assume  that  11,12  and  2  are
                  independent  and  as  in  the  previous  construction  we  let  3j  denote  the
                  treatment  covariate.  Also,  we  assume  that  the  latent  homogeneous  count
                  process Y is Poisson distributed and observed in terms of the ordinal variable
                   through the integer intervals ( −1, ,  ], i = 1, … , k as defined in Section 2.
                      Conditional on  =  1  and  =   and assuming that  = ( ,  ,  )
                  as  the  parameter  to  be  estimated  with  Θ = {( ,  ):   ∈  ℝ,  = 0,1;   ∈
                   ℝ } as the parameter space and  denoting the vector of nuisance parameters
                  associated  with  time  at  risk,  frailty,  and  estimand  effect,  then  (1)  can  be
                  implemented using the conditional log-likelihood

                  where  ( , … ,  −1 )  represent  the  right-censored  counts  and   =
                  (1,  1 ,  ,  3 ) are  the  covariates.  The  random  covariates  for  subject  and
                  estimand  are  measured  through  proxy  variables  for  estimation  purposes.
                  Estimation of  and testing of :  =   will proceed as described in Section
                  c.  Goodness-of-Fit Testing
                      In the following section we demonstrate how interval information can be
                  used  to  conduct  test  of  hypotheses  on  latent  variable  distribution
                  assumptions. The method here can be extended to construct a goodness-of-
                  fit  test  under  an  extrapolation  setting,  i.e.,  in  the  presence  of  subject  and
                  estimand effects.
                      We construct the test procedure based on the classical distribution fitting
                  problem.  Here  we  make  use  of  count  sets  ( , … ,  ),  = 0,1, … ,  − 1,
                  corresponding to the random sample ( , … ,  ) from some distribution F as
                  discussed in Section 2. Utilizing the notations defined in Section 2 we have at
                  =0 the counts ( , …  ) corresponding to the non-overlapping intervals.
                  For    >  0  define   =  { = } +  { > }  as  where  ( , … ,  −1 )
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