Page 429 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 429

CPS2008 Syafrina A.H et al.
            models are used namely Gamma and Weibull distributions. The shape and
            scale parameters for both distributions were estimated by using MLE. Different
            criteria of GOF had been used to test whether the model suits for the data by
            referring to the hypothesis testing. CvM and K-S tests as the methods of GOF
            with the hypothesized distributions, Gamma and Weibull distributions.
                Based on the result of K-S test, both distributions are not suitable for the
            data with both p-values are less than 0. For another test, which is CvM test,
            the result shows that Gamma and Weibull distributions are fitted to the rainfall
            data with the p-values 0.3288 and 0.3206, higher than 5% significance level. In
            summarise, Weibull distribution is the best model to be fitted to  the daily
            rainfall data at Penang International Airport based on the minimum of GOF
            tests (the highest statistical test score). For further study, must be focused on
            the performance comparison of modified distributions such as Mixed Gamma
            and Mixed Weibull distributions since daily rainfall amount for the majority
            states in Malaysia is very well represented using two components. Moreover,
            monsoon  period  also  can  be  considered  in  the  future  study  since  rainfall
            amount in Malaysia is affected by monsoons season.  This can  be done by
            separating the time period by month according to the monsoon period. This
            indicated that the rainfall distribution in Malaysia is consists of minimum and
            maximum rainfalls. Other potential work includes of using variety of GOF test
            such as Anderson Darling and Chi Square tests. This may help to predict the
            most suitable model much precise based on the majority of the minimum GOF
            tests. Moreover, more stations from each state in Malaysia should be used to
            perform  this  study  in  future  since  different  station  of  rainfall  amount  in
            Malaysia  is  affected  by  different  monsoon  season.  This  is  due  to  the
            geographical of the location.

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