Page 426 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 426

CPS2008 Syafrina A.H et al.
                  of rainfall is 250.20%. As shown in the Figure 3.3, the highest amount of rainfall
                  is  recorded  during  the  month  of  October,  followed  by  September  and
                  November. These results could be explained by the influences of the monsoon.
                  Intermonsoon occurred starting from September to October. The result shows
                  that Penang International Airport experienced maximal rainfall during inter-
                  Table 3.1. Summary of daily rainfall at Penang International Airport from the year
                  1990 until 2017
                   Minimum    Median   Mean    Standard   Maximum   Coefficient    95%
                     (mm)      (mm)    (mm)    Deviation   (mm)        of        Confidence
                                                (mm)                 Variation   Interval (mm)
                     0.000    0.000    0.249    0.623     14.250     250.20    (0.237,0.261)
                      Gamma  distribution  is  denoted  by  ~Γ(, ),  while  Weibull
                  distribution  is  denoted  by  ∼ (, ), which  is  and  are  for
                  shape and scale respectively. Based on Table 3.1, the value of shape parameter
                  for Gamma distribution is 2.79707801 while the value of scale parameter is
                  0.48540250. Meanwhile, shape parameter of Weibull distribution gives a value
                  of 1.51149743 while the scale parameter gives a  value of 1.52373851. The
                  shape  parameter  describes  the  curve  of  the  graph  where  it  is  positively
                  skewed. In order to test the performance of the fitted model, the GOF test was
                  performed for daily rainfall data in Penang International Airport. The statistical
                  tests used in this study are CvM ( ) and K-S () tests. The highest total score
                  of the test identify the best statistical model between Gamma distribution and
                  Weibull distribution.

                                    Figure 3.1. Scatter plot of daily rainfall data
                      Next, each test will be ranked from zero to two (0-2) as there are only two
                  distributions that used in this research. Generally, the statistical test will be
                  ranked from the least to the large value of statistical tests in descending order
                  based on the value of the test statistic. The highest value of total rank score
                  will  be  identified  as  the  best  fit  model  for  daily  rainfall  data  at  Penang
                  International  Airport.  The  overall  statistical  and  p-values  for  each  test  are
                  shown at Table 3.3.

                                                                     415 | I S I   W S C   2 0 1 9
   421   422   423   424   425   426   427   428   429   430   431