Page 427 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 427

CPS2008 Syafrina A.H et al.

                 Figure 3.2. Histogram of daily rainfall data at Penang International Airport

                   Figure 3.3. Histogram of monthly rainfall at Penang International Airport

            Table 3.2. The parameter estimates for Gamma and Weibull distributions by using
            Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE)
                                    Statistical Models    Parameters

                                   Gamma distribution   2.79   0.48
                                   Weibull distribution   1.51   1.52

            Table 3.3. p-values for goodness of fit tests for Gamma and Weibull distributions
                      Goodness of fit tests
                                           Cramer-von Mises      Kolmogorov-Smirnov
                 Statistical models
                 Gamma distribution             0.3288                 < 2.2e-16
                 Weibull distribution           0.3206                 < 2.2e-16
                The p-value of the test is found to be greater than the significance level,
            =0.05, where it is fail to reject the null hypothesis, which the data follow a
            specified distribution (Gamma and Weibull distributions). Based on the Table
            3.3, the data are consistently follow the Gamma and Weibull distributions by
            using Cramer-von Mises test since the p-value is greater than 5% significance
            level that have been considered which are 0.3288 and 0.3206, respectively.
            However, the p-values of K-S test for both distributions show that the data do
            not follow the specified distributions.

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