Page 176 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 176

IPS129 Claudia V. et al.

                                   The cost of victimization: Subjective and
                                             objective dimensions
                   Claudia Villante, Maria Giuseppina Muratore, Isabella Corazziari, Alessandra
                                         ISTAT – National Institute of Statistics
                  Public perception of crime is sometimes opposite to the official statistics data
                  provided. Also citizens having not experienced crime victimization by their
                  own, can be alerted and suffer fear of crime due to indirect victimization. Crime
                  victimization consequences are not only economic: changes in ordinary life of
                  victimized households and individuals, due to the direct and indirect crime
                  experience, can be a heavy cost to be faced. Starting from a cross country
                  analysis  of  victimization  and  literature,  the  paper,  based  on  evidence  of
                  Citizen’s Safety Survey, performed by Istat on a periodically every 5-7 years,
                  household and individual costs due to the experience of victimization will be
                  analyzed, according to different covariates as geographical area, the type of
                  suffered  crime,  its  dynamic,  fear  of  crime  among  others.  Costs  will  be
                  estimated in terms of both material and not tangible changes: defense systems
                  adopted for the house, individual strategies and behaviors changes adopted
                  to prevent crime victimization, both in case of experienced than in case of fear
                  of crime with not direct experience of victimization. Also the actual economic
                  loss by type of crime on properties, both individual and household’s ones, will
                  be  evaluated,  using  a  model  to  analyze  socio-economic  impact  of

                  victimization; impact; fear of crime; crime; impact of crime

                  1.  Introduction
                      Crime is a widespread activity that affects society and human living at all
                  latitudes,  but  despite  its  pervasiveness  the  systematic  measurement  of  its
                  impact on society is far from being a major concern of policy makers. Fear of
                  crime is a social phenomenon more complicate to analyze (Austin et al., 2002):
                  it effects an high impact on the quality of life (Jackson and Gray, 2010), causing
                  anxiety and other psychological issues on a personal level (Ruijsbroek et al.,
                  2015)  and, at a  social level, affects prejudice and segregation. So  that this
                  insecurity has now become a major policy concern (Carro et al., 2010, Curiel &
                  Bishop, 2017) .

                  1  Rafael Prieto Curiel & Steven Richard Bishop, Fear of crime: the impact of different distributions
                  of victimization, |DOI: 10.1057/s41599-018-0094-8 |
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