Page 178 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 178

IPS129 Claudia V. et al.
                                              Fig.4 – Fear of crime rate

                                          Fig.5 – Crimes in Italy (*1000 Family)

                  Recently  an  Europe  cross  country  analysis  shows  that  risk  perception  is
                  positively  correlated  with  fear  of  crime  in  all  of  the  analysed  countries,
                  although  the  strength  of  the  relationship  differs.  Contrary  to  expectations,
                  countries  with  a  higher  victimization  rate  exhibit  a  weaker  relationship
                  between fear  of crime and risk  perception, while in countries with a  lower
                  victimization rate, risk perception plays a relatively important role in shaping

                  2  People who feel safe walking in the dark alone in the area where they live
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