Page 181 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 181

IPS129 Claudia V. et al.
            provides other information on the nature of the crimes, the characteristics of
            the criminals and the relationship between victims and criminals. One of the
            major results of this survey, is the perception of the security  and the fear and
            worry of suffering crimes), and the perceived risk of crime in the area where
            you live, of the relationship with the police and the strategies implemented by
            families and families to defend themselves.
                The  crimes  considered  are  the  theft,  pickpocketing,  theft  of  personal
            belongings, robbery, and the threat e aggression, credit card cloning, fraud,
            some computer crimes, vehicle theft and vehicle parts, theft of objects from
            vehicles, theft at home and unauthorized entry, the acts of vandalism, theft
            and mistreatment of animals. The estimate of violence against women who,
            requesting a particular methodology, it is detected with ad hoc surveys.
                Starting from the micro-data of the Citizen Security survey, lead in 1997;
            2002; 2008-2009 and 2015-2016, a dynamic factor analysis was carried out to
            draw  a  picture  synthetic  on  the  perception  of  security.  Several  indicators
            were  considered  that  characterize  a  phenomenon  so  complex,  linked  to
            individual subjective factors (personal vulnerability) and objective (concern of
            undergoing particular crimes, living in certain areas more or less at crime risk).
            The dynamic factor analysis was dedicated to the statistical treatment of data
            classified according to the three criteria (or modes, see Tucker 1966): statistical
            unit, quantitative variable and temporal opportunity for data collection. This
            type of data can be represented, by means of an array or cubic array of data
            X (Law and others, 1984) whose generic element is xijt, where i = 1, ..., I is the
            unit index, j = 1, ..., J is the variable index and t = 1, ..., T is the index of times.
            The method can be applied when the same variables are observed on the
            same statistical units on different occasions. Several statistical models have
            been proposed to analyse this type of data: the Dynamic Factor Analysis (DFA)
            is the Italian proposal (Coppi, Zannella, 1979).
                The factorial analysis has led to summarizing the phenomenon of safety
            perception with three main dimensions:
                -   the  first  relating  to  the  insecurity  motivated  by  crime  and  the
                    degradation of the area in which we live and the poor control of the

            10   The  indicators  analyzed  are:  feeling  more  or  less  well  at  night  at  home  or  on  the  street  in  your
            neighborhood; comes out at least once a week evening; bring at least something with him to defend himself;
            do not go out in the evening or at night alone because you are afraid (often or expected); puts the safe at
            the car doors when he is alone out of fear; the fear of crime is kept away from certain roads out of fear; is
            very or fairly worried about being subjected to certain crimes (robbery, theft, sexual violence, car theft or
            housing); the area where you live is quite a crime risk and crime  has increased in the last period;  the
            interviewee often sees tramps, people who take drugs or sell drugs, prostitutes, acts of vandalism, see
            degraded areas, and poor lighting; the interviewee don’t seen police forces and they control little or for
            nothing  and  pass  at  least  once  a  week  in  the  street  of  residence.  Each  indicator  was  calculated  as  a
            percentage of 'yes' to the above indicators, age range, region and municipal typology in they live.
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