Page 230 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 230

IPS146 Motoryn R. et al.
                  answers to test questions and to provide them with the necessary content for
                  the study and better assimilation of educational material in real time.
                  -  3V  (variety):  variability  of  processing  algorithms  for  different  types  of
                  collected results; for example, homework results can be presented by gender,
                  age, health group, etc.
                  -  4V  (veracity):  high  reliability  of  the  data  collected,  allowing  to  formulate
                  representative results; for example, after conducting a national study of the
                  quality  of  education,  it  can  be  concluded  that  4th  year  students  have
                  significantly higher marks than 1st year students.
                  -  5V  (value):  the  value  of  the  accumulated  data  should  be  based  on  the
                  possibility of formulating useful multi-aspect dependences of the education
                  system on their basis. For example, it can be noted that when students move
                  from the first year to the second, the number of excellent and good students
                  decreases, however, there is an equal change in the proportion of assessments,
                  which may indicate a gradual complication of educational material; on the
                  other hand, the number of “C students”. Big data in education allow teachers
                  to receive a variety of information about the level of training students, the
                  assimilation  of  educational  information,  the  oversight  and  Labs.  Another
                  important  problem  of  education  is  the  identification  of  new,  sometimes
                  hidden,  relationships  in  big  data,  new  knowledge.  For  this  data  mining
                  methods can be used to improve the organization of the educational process
                  and improve its management efficiency.
                     Another  important  area  of  research  are  issues  related  to  internal
                  interaction.  Predicting  academic  performance  is  one  of  the  key  themes  of
                  research in the field of Big Data in education. Assessing academic achievement
                  is a  difficult task, as  student performance depends on various factors. The
                  relationship between performance parameters and factors involved to predict
                  performance in complex non-linear relationships, so the data collection areas
                  should be inclusive. Big data management allows processing of information
                  for the analysis of the key indicators of educational effectiveness. It is also
                  important to note the benefits of using big data for administrative staff of
                  higher   education    institutions.   Academic  performance,  attendance,
                  scholarships  and  other  personal  information  about  students  is  subject  to
                  continuous collection, processing and analysis. Working with this amount of
                  data requires considerable effort. Automation of the already routine work will
                  lead to savings of financial and human resources.
                     Methods  of  big  data  allow  to  form  the  relationship  between  types  of
                  education and assess the progress and potential of the student throughout
                  his  educational  history.  Such  an  approach  can  facilitate  the  formation  of
                  individual educational itinerary taking into account the characteristics of each
                  student. There are five main types of data in the field of education:
                  - personal information;

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