Page 233 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 233

IPS146 Motoryn R. et al.
                Therefore,  only  the  stage  of  data  collection,  integration  of  services  (and
            often  - their development from scratch) and all relational and non-leverage
            databases  requires  a  large  amount  of  time  and,  moreover,  is  continuous,
            because  when  a  single  result  appears,  a  request  for  new  developments
            immediately arrives.

            3.  Result
                Let us give an example of the Big Data management process in higher
            education  on  the  example  of  the  Kiev  National  University  of  Trade  and
            Economics (KNTEU).
            1. Purpose  -  expert  and  analytical  assessment  of  the  human  resources  of
            - identify the age characteristics of lecturers;
            - determine the presence of objective vacancies or oversaturation of lecturers;
            - assess the qualifications of existing lecturers.
            2. Selection of information sources, data acquisition procedures, information-
            processing algorithms:
                Selection of information sources:
            -  annex  1.  Regulation  of  KNTEU  "Rating  assessment  of  the  activity  of
            educational research of employees of the university"
            - the annual form of statistical observation 2-3NK "Report of the university at
            the beginning of the 2018-19 academic year";
            - questionnaire form of student evaluation of lecturers.
                The procedure for obtaining data:
            -  the  selection  of  the  necessary  information  contained  in  the  Annex  1.
            Regulation  of  KNTEU  "Rating  assessment  of  the  activity  of  educational
            research of employees of the university"
            - selection of the necessary information contained in the form of statistical
            observation 2-3NK;
            - conducting a questionnaire of student in the form developed by KNTEU.
                Algorithm of data processing.
                The analysis of existing personnel problems conducted in the context of
            the  subject  taught.  The questionnaire  of  lecturer’s  assessment  by  students
            contained detailed information about lecturers.
                According to the results of the study of the age structure, we construct
            the distribution of lecturers by age compared to the normal distribution.
            Normal  distribution  contributes  to  the  stable  functioning  of  the  higher
            education  system  while  maintaining  a  balance  between  the  possibility  of
            development and the preservation of tradition.
            3.  Collection and structuring of data

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