Page 256 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 256

IPS152 Ryan N.
                  investment  abroad  would  decrease  overall  owner’s  equity  in  MOFAs  from
                  $12.9 trillion to $6.4 trillion. Equity in subsidiaries would decline from $7.9
                  trillion to $1.4 trillion. Reflecting the close connection between pass-through
                  equity and SPEs, 81 percent of all pass-through equity moved through SPEs.
                      Table 3 shows the five countries that host the largest amount of MOFA
                  pass-through equity. These five countries accounted for two-thirds of all pass-
                  through  equity.  In  “countries  of  convenience”  such  as  the  Netherlands,
                  Luxembourg, and Bermuda, pass-through equity made up 70 percent or more
                  of  total  owner’s  equity.  MOFAs  in  countries  where  U.S.  MNEs  tend  to  be
                  engaged in more economic production were less likely to have pass-through
                  equity than MOFAs in countries of convenience.

                    Table 3. Nonresident Pass-Through Equity by Selected Country, 2016
                    Country         Pass         Share of      Share of        Share
                                    Through      Global Pass-  Country’s       Accounted
                                    Equity ($B)   Through      Owner’s Equity   for by SPEs
                                                 Equity (%)    (%)             (%)
                    Total           $6,511.4     100.0         50.4            81.5
                    Netherlands     $1,483.7     22.8          72.9            85.2
                    Luxembourg      $1,028.8     15.8          71.6            93.4

                    United Kingdom   $792.4      12.2          46.9            78.7
                    Bermuda         $649.1       10.0          69.6            92.0
                    Canada          $363.7       5.6           47.8            73.7
                    Other countries   $2,193.7   33.7          n.a.            n.a.

                      While SPEs with pass-through equity made up approximately one-third of
                  all SPEs, they accounted for a large majority of the total assets of SPEs. The
                  5,471 SPEs with pass-through equity had $8.8 trillion of assets, compared to a
                  total of $1.2 trillion for the 10,550 SPEs without pass-through.

                  III-C. U.S. (resident) SPE affiliates of Foreign MNEs
                      Sections III-A and III-B focus on nonresident SPEs, as those SPEs likely play
                  a much larger role in U.S. direct investment relationships partly due to the
                  favorable  tax  and  regulatory  environments  in  some  foreign  countries  of
                  convenience. This section and the following section provide parallel statistics
                  for resident SPEs.
                      In  2016,  there  were  22,054  majority-owned  U.S.  affiliates  (MOUSAs)  of
                  foreign MNEs. Of these MOUSAs, 4,653 (21.1 percent) met all four SPE criteria.
                  SPEs were identified in 180 of the 200 industries in which MOUSAs operated
                  in 2016. Table 4 shows the five industries with the largest share of SPE assets
                  and the number of SPEs in each industry. Holding companies, despite holding

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