Page 258 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 258

IPS152 Ryan N.
                  III-D. Pass-through in U.S. (resident) affiliates of foreign MNEs
                      In 2016, pass-through equity in MOUSAs of foreign MNEs totaled $613
                  billion. This represented less than 10 percent of the value of pass-through
                  found in MOFAs of U.S. MNEs, indicating that pass-through activity is more
                  common for U.S. outward direct investment than for U.S. inward direct invest-
                  ment. Pass-through equity made up 24 percent of owner’s equity in MOUSAs,
                  compared with 50 percent of owner’s equity in MOFAs. Pass-through equity
                  accounted for 80 percent of MOUSA equity in subsidiaries, similar to the 83
                  percent  observed  for  MOFAs.  Subtracting  $613  billion  from  BEA’s  inward
                  statistics on foreign direct investment in the United States would decrease
                  owner’s equity in MOUSAs from $2.5 trillion to $1.9 trillion, while equity in
                  subsidiaries would decline from $762 billion to $149 billion.
                      Another  important  difference  between  pass-through  in  MOUSAs  and
                  MOFAs is that MOUSA pass-through equity is much more distributed across
                  SPEs and non-SPEs. While 82 percent of MOFA pass-through moves through
                  SPEs, that figure is only 17 percent for MOUSAs.
                      Table 6 shows the five largest sources of MOUSA pass-through equity by
                  country of UBO. These five countries accounted for 57 percent of all pass-
                  through  equity  in  MOUSAs.  Pass-through  equity  made  up  40  percent  of
                  owner’s  equity  in  MOUSAs  of  UK-headquartered  MNEs,  though  those  U.S.
                  affiliates were generally not SPEs. The largest share of pass-through equity in
                  MOUSAs  originating  in  the  United  Kingdom  moves  through  financial
                  investment affiliates.

                   Table 6. Resident Pass-Through Equity by Selected Country of UBO, 2016
                   Country of UBO   Pass       Share of U.S.   Share of Owner’s  Share
                                   Through     Pass-Through   Equity of Coun-   Accounted for
                                   Equity ($B)   Equity (%)   try’s Affiliates   by SPEs (%)

                   Total           $612.5      100.0         24.1             17.4
                   United Kingdom   $169.6     27.7          40.2             17.9
                   Canada          $62.0       10.1          22.3             5.1
                   Japan           $41.8       6.8           12.1             8.1
                   France          $40.5       6.5           18.8             2.1
                   Ireland         $38.3       6.2           24.1             7.5
                   Other countries   $260.9    42.6          n.a.             n.a.

                    As with holding companies discussed in footnote 6, the lower share of SPEs in MOUSA pass-
                  through may reflect the FDIUS survey’s consolidation rules.
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