Page 252 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 252

IPS152 Ryan N.
                  though in most cases this equity simply passes through those countries to be
                  used for production elsewhere.
                      To the extent that such “pass-through” equity is recorded in published FDI
                  flow and position statistics it may create challenges for data users in at least
                  two ways. First, total flows, including those to SPEs, may overstate the actual
                  amount of FDI flows that stay in the host economy. For countries hosting many
                  SPEs, these overstatements may be large, resulting in published FDI statistics
                  that overstate the impact that FDI has on the host economy since much of the
                  published  flows  are  capital-in-transit.  Second,  for  large  economies  with
                  significant outward FDI flows to SPEs, such as the United States, recording FDI
                  flows by immediate destination country obscures the ultimate destination and
                  purpose of those flows.
                      In 2016, the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) Committee on Balance of
                  Payments Statistics set up a Task Force on SPEs (TFSPE). At the conclusion of
                  its  work  in  2018,  the  TFSPE  proposed  a  definition  of  SPEs  to  be  used  for
                  collection and analysis of macroeconomic statistics.  Under the definition, an
                  institutional unit that meets all four of the following criteria is considered an
                  SPE: (1) a maximum of five employees and little or no physical presence; (2)
                  direct or indirect control by nonresidents; (3) established to obtain specific
                  advantages,  such  as  access  to  capital  markets,  financial  services,  risk
                  mitigation,  or  tax  or  regulatory  minimization;  and  (4)  transactions  almost
                  entirely with nonresidents. The TFSPE recognized that one important activity
                  of SPEs is holding assets for use elsewhere as pass-through equity.
                      This paper marks the first attempt to use data from the U.S. Bureau of
                  Economic Analysis (BEA) to understand the prevalence of SPEs and their use
                  of pass-through equity in U.S. FDI statistics. Pass-through equity is measured
                  using company-level microdata according to a method proposed in a recent
                  working paper by OECD economists.  Identifying SPEs and measuring pass-
                  through equity enhances understanding of global macroeconomic statistics in
                  three ways: (1) it illuminates the extent to which SPEs are used as pass-through
                  vehicles by U.S. and foreign MNEs, (2) it provides evidence of whether SPEs
                  are used for purposes other than passing equity to other destinations, such as
                  for  holding  intellectual  property,  and  (3)  it  provides  information  on  the
                  engagement of non-SPE firms in pass-through activity. Although the TFSPE
                  focused on resident SPEs, this paper focuses primarily on nonresident SPEs as

                  1  IMF Committee on Balance of Payments Statistics. “Final Report of the T ask Force on Special
                  Purpose   Entities.”   31    Meeting:   Washington,   D.C.,   October   24-26,   2018.
                    Borga, Maria, and Ceclia Caliandro. “Eliminating the Pass-Through: Towards FDI Statistics that
                  Better Capture the Financial and Economic Linkages Between Countries.” National Bureau of
                  Economic  Research  Working  Paper  25029:  Cambridge,  MA,  September  2018.
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