Page 257 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 257

IPS152 Ryan N.
            95 percent of resident SPE assets, accounted for only 13 percent of the number
            of SPEs.  Resident SPEs were more likely to be found in the real estate industry
            than any other industry. While this industry includes real estate trusts, it also
            includes  smaller-value  properties  that  may  meet  the  TFSPE’s  definition  as
            applied here. Future research is needed to understand which of these affiliates
            are truly SPEs.

             Table 4. Resident SPEs and Assets by Selected Industry, 2016
             Industry of Affiliate       Number      Share  of  Assets    Share  of  SPE
                                                     SPEs (%)   ($B)      Assets (%)
             Total                       4,653       100.0      $159.4    100.0
             Holding companies           594         12.8       $151.7    95.2
             Nondepository credit        48          1.0        $3.1      2.0
             Real estate                 1,571       33.8       $1.2      0.8
             Financial investment activities   260   5.6        $1.2      0.8
             Funds and trusts            135         2.9        $1.1      0.7
             Other industries            2,045       44.0       $1.1      0.7

                The five countries of ultimate beneficial owner (UBO)   with the largest
            shares of resident SPE assets accounted for more than three-quarters of total
            SPE assets. Most of these countries are longstanding trade and investment
            partners of the United States. The largest share of SPE assets in the United
            States was ultimately owned by United Kingdom-based MNEs, but the second
            largest share was ultimately owned by U.S. persons (commonly referred to as
            “roundtrip FDI”).

             Table 5. Resident SPEs and Assets by Selected Country of UBO, 2016
             Country of UBO          SPEs    Share  of  U.S.  Assets ($B)   Share  of  U.S.
                                             SPEs (%)                     SPE
             Total                   4,653   100.0           $159.4       assets (%)
             United Kingdom          905     19.4            $48.5        30.4
             United States           520     11.2            $43.7        27.4
             Netherlands             499     10.7            $12.5        7.8
             Canada                  309     6.6             $9.2         5.8
             Mexico                  263     5.7             $8.2         5.1
             Other countries         2,157   46.4            $37.3        23.4

            8  U.S. affiliates report on a consolidated domestic U.S. basis. The industry of a U.S. affiliate is
            determined by the industry from which the consolidated U.S. company derives the majority of
            its sales. Consolidated U.S. affiliates may include holding companies within the consolidation.
            This  differs  from  the  U.S.  direct  investment  abroad  data  in  which,  according  to  survey
            instructions, foreign affiliates cannot be consolidated across industries or countries.
            9  The UBO is that person, proceeding up a U.S. affiliate’s ownership chain, beginning with and
            including the foreign parent, that is not owned more than 50 percent by  another person.
            Unlike the foreign parent, the UBO of an affiliate may be located in the United States.
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