Page 262 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 262

IPS129 Claudia V. et al.
                  IMF Task Force & decision tree
                      Although international manuals and organisations have emphasised the
                  importance of separating out transactions and positions related to SPEs in FDI
                  statistics, there has been an outstanding requirement for an internationally
                  agreed definition of SPEs. With this in mind, the IMF Committee on Balance of
                  Payments Statistics created the TFSPE in 2016 with a two-year mandate. The
                  TFSPE’s final report can be found here.
                      The TFSPE conducted a survey on the legal and national definitions of SPEs,
                  their measurement and activity. Using this information, a SPE definition was
                  proposed  that  included  an  upper  limit  of  up  to  five  employees,  while  no
                  specific numerical threshold is recommended to account for physical presence
                  and/or physical production. SPEs were also defined to be directly or indirectly
                  controlled by non-residents, who set them up with the objective of: accessing
                  capital market of financial services, isolating financial risk, reducing regulatory
                  or tax burden, and/or safeguarding the confidentiality of transactions.
                      Using this definition and information gathered from the survey, the TFSPE
                  produced a decision tree and typology. The decision tree was produced to
                  allow  national  statistical  institutes  to  classify  entities  as  SPEs,  while  the
                  typology  was  produced  to  provide  context  around  the  type  of  activities
                  undertaken by SPEs – but was not designed to be an exhaustive list of activities
                  undertaken by SPEs.

                  Data sources
                      To estimate the proportion of FDI attributable to SPEs, data linking was
                  undertaking  at  using  microdata  from  the  FDI  population  and  the  Inter-
                  Departmental Business Register (IDBR). FDI estimates used in this paper are
                  for  the 2016  reference period,  consistent  with  results  published  December

                  The Inter-Departmental Business Register
                      The IDBR is a comprehensive list of 2.6 million businesses in all parts of the
                  UK  economy,  other  than  the  very  small  businesses  and  some  non-profit
                  making organisations. The two main sources of input are Value Added Tax
                  PAYE income tax from HM Revenue and Customs. Additional input comes
                  from Companies House, Dun and Bradstreet, business surveys and businesses

                  The Foreign Direct Investment population and survey
                     The FDI population is produced from four sources:
                      •  Combining IDBR and Dun and Bradstreet (D&B) data to identify cross-
                         border  business  relationships  between  UK  businesses  and  foreign
                         parents or subsidiaries (majority relationships).

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