Page 264 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 264

IPS129 Claudia V. et al.
                  3.  Result
                  High level results
                     Utilising the definition developed by the TFSPE and data sources available
                  at the time of analysis, this paper estimates that £74 billion, or 8.4%, of the
                  UK’s inward FDI position in 2016 was attributable to SPEs.
                     As shown in Table 1, the UK’s inward FDI position was £1,200 billion in
                  2016, of which £323 billion related to entities that did not have employment
                  and turnover data available at the time of analysis – see previous section for
                  more information on why.
                     Over two-thirds of the groups in the FDI population were matched to the
                  IDBR, who in turn accounted for £877 billion of UK inward FDI in 2016. Of
                  these, £82 billion of inward FDI positions were held by groups with five or
                  fewer employees, which fell to £74 billion when the threshold of £1 million was

                   Table 1: High level estimates of resident SPEs in the inward FDI
                   population, £ billion, 2016

                                                                        Positions    Income
                                                   Total inward population     1,200       52
                     Banks, bank holding companies, property, public corporations,   323   15
                                                 and unmatched businesses
                                                      Analysed population       877        38
                                        Those meeting employment threshold       82         2
                             Those meeting employment and turnover threshold     74         1

                      Comparing the characteristics of enterprise groups classified as resident
                  SPEs to non-SPEs can help provide more context to their structure and use.
                      Chart 1  presents the geographical composition of resident SPEs and non-
                  SPEs. There is a clear distinction between the two, with the immediate parents
                  of SPEs largely residing in “remainder” – a grouping comprising North America
                  and  non-EU  Europe  that  has  been  supressed  to  mitigate  disclosure.  In
                  contrast, a large proportion of inward FDI positions belonging to non-SPEs is
                  attributable to immediate parents based in the EU.

                     Note  that  figures  presented  in  this  chart  and  thereafter  exclude  banks,  bank  holding
                  companies,  property,  public  corporations,  and  entities  with  no  employment  or  turnover
                  information unless otherwise specified.
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