Page 269 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 269

IPS152 Giovanna B. et al.

                          Irish Special Purpose Entitites (Spes): Concepts
                           and challenges of the implementation of the
                                   results of the IMF Task Force
                                    Giovanna Bua, Brian Golden
                                         Central Bank of Ireland

            Ireland is home to a large number of entities, many of which are potentially
            Special Purpose Entities. There is a wide variety in both the business models
            and objectives of the vehicles, which span from traditional securitisation to
            investment vehicles, funding and loan origination vehicles, and often form part
            of cross border, multi-entity corporate structures. The Central Bank of Ireland
            has  been  collecting  data  from  these  entities  since  2015  using  a  locally
            developed definition. This paper aims to present an overview of some of the
            different structures active in Ireland. The authors will then assess some of these
            structures against the guidance provided by the IMF BoPCom TFSPE in order
            to underline strengths and weaknesses.

            ownership, sponsor, institutional units, IMF BOPCOM TFSPE, pass-through

            1.  Introduction
                The statistical treatment of SPEs has been widely discussed at a global level
            for more than a decade. This work advanced significantly with the publication
            of the Final Report of the Task Force on Special Purpose Entities by the IMF
            (TFSPE) in October 2018. The TFSPE proposed an international definition of
            SPEs  in  the  context  of  cross-border  statistics  as  well  as  a  data  collection
            framework for cross-country comparable SPE data.
                The  Central  Bank  of  Ireland  (CBI)  extended  granular  balance  sheet
            reporting to non-securitisation SPEs in Q3 2015, on the same basis as those
            already  applied  to  securitisation  SPEs  since  Q4  2009  under  European
            legislation.  The  Statistics  Division  at  the  CBI  collects  this  data  for  multiple
            purposes,  namely  statistical  purposes,  regulatory  monitoring  and  financial
            stability analysis. The definition for data collection was simply availing of a
            particular tax provision in Irish legislation, covering SPEs that engage in an
            extensive range of financial and leasing transactions.

            2.  Special purpose entities in Ireland
                Each SPE reports its entire balance sheet on a quarterly basis, mostly on a
            security-by-security  basis,  and  profit  and  loss  information  annually.  In
            addition, each SPE fills out a registration form, containing, among other items,

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