Page 302 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 302

IPS153 John D.

                                        =    ̂                     for   = 1 or 2

                      Where   is the size of the set  ∩  ,   is  the size of the set
                    ∩   and   is the size of the set ( ∩  ) ∩ ( ∩  ).
                      The DSE setup to estimate   can described as follows
                     (i)  List A is the set  ∩  .
                     (ii) List B is the set  ∩  , , = 1, 2,  = 1, 2 and  ≠ .
                     (iii)  Both list A and list B are subsets of  ∩   the population of Stayers
                     (iv)  Linkage based on official identification numbers ensures no linkage
                     (v)   satisfies the homogeneous capture assumption for population  ,
                        and as ( ∩  ) ∈  then  ∩   will satisfy the homogeneous
                        capture  assumption  when  estimating     the  size  of  the  population
                         ∩  .
                     This approach gives two estimators for   depending on which of   or
                    is taken as the starting point which could be combined if desired.

                  3.  Discussion and concluding remarks
                      A theme running through this paper is adherence to the  demographic
                  accounting principle that the change in stocks (population estimates) from
                  one period or timepoint to the next is equal to the difference in the associated
                  flows, inflows less outflows (Inflows = Births + Immigration, Outflows = Deaths
                  + Emigration). This principle underpins the traditional demographics cohort
                  component approach , a flows first based approach, used to derive post-censal
                  population  estimates  and  is  the  basis  on  which  a  coherent,  census  based
                  system  of  population  estimates  has  traditionally  been  built.  However,  this
                  system  is  prone  to  significant  revisions  when  post-censal  estimates  are
                  replaced  with  higher  equality  inter-censal  estimates.  The  PECADO  project
                  proposes a stocks first based approach to a modern system of population
                  estimates. Population estimates for the years 2011 to 2016 have to date been
                  released by CSO as research outputs . This paper describes an extension of
                  these  methods  to  estimate  gross  population  flows  in  an  overall  coherent
                  system of population estimates.
                      The aspiration or goal of  census modernisation is to generate a  high
                   quality SPD with one record per person and no erroneous records. Once this
                   goal is achieved, the methodology becomes less important. When SPD’s are

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