Page 301 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 301

IPS153 John D.
            population  flows  are  made  up  of  Inflows  (Births  plus  Immigration)  and
            Outflows  (Deaths  plus  Emigration).  The  PECADO  system  to  estimate  gross
            population flows can be summarised as follows:
                Estimate Stayers in SPD between two consecutive years 1 and 2 The same
            DSE methodology is used to estimate Stayers in the SPD between two years
            where lists A and B are formed from the PAR and DLD. Stayers corresponds to
            the group of persons present in the population in both years 1 and 2.
                Gross estimate to obtain estimate of Stayers in population The next step is
            to simply gross the estimate of Stayers in the SPD to obtain an estimate of
            Stayers in the population. The factor used for grossing is obtained by dividing
            the population estimate by the size of the PAR for either year 1 or 2. We make
            the assumption that the proportion of Stayers in the population not included
            in the PAR is equal to the proportion of Stayers in the population included in
            the PAR for the respective year. This is the only additional assumption made.
            In  making  this  assumption,  we  note  the  impact  of  any  violation  of  this
            assumption  will  reduce  as  the  coverage  of  the  PAR  with  respect  to  the
            population  goes  to  100%.  Noting  that  we  can  estimate  Stayers  using  the
            population in either year 1 or year 2, we can also consider combining the two
            estimates to improve precision (reduce variance).
                Estimate flows by subtracting Stayers from population estimates The gross
            flows can now be obtained using the Demographic Accounting Framework as
                Outflows, year 1, can be estimated by subtracting the estimate of Stayers
            from the population size estimate in year 1, Inflows, year 2, can be estimated
            by subtracting the estimate of Stayers from the population size estimate in
            year 2.
                To estimate gross population flows, we consider the population in year 1,
            U1, the population in year 2, U2, the population common to both years, US =
            U1 ∩U2, the population of Outflows (those in year 1 but not in year 2), UO = U1
            \US and the population of Inflows (those in year 2 but not in year 1), as UI = U2
            \US. We denote the respective population sizes as N1, N2, NS, NO = N1 — NS
            and NI = N2 — NS. DSE methods, as previously described, are used to estimate
            N1 and N2 as 1 =   /  and 2 =   /  where   is the size of list A in
                                1 1
                                                  2 2
            year  ( = 1 or 2),   is the size of list B and   is the size of the match (
            ∩  ) between list A and list B for year . If we can estimate NS we can obtain
            estimates of NO and NI, the gross population flows.=
                 To estimate NS, we first estimate Ki, the number of Stayers in  using
             DSE methods and multiply by   / , we can use i=1 or 2. We get

                              =    :  :                   for  ,  = 1,2    ≠ 

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