Page 299 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 299

IPS153 John D.
             then  makes  redundant  the  requirement  to  estimate  the  demographic
             components of change to obtain the following years population estimates.
             All that remains is to obtain an estimate of gross population flows in a manner
             that is coherent with the net population flows to ensure coherence in the
             system of population estimates. We label this type of approach a stocks first
             based  approach  in  that  population  estimates  are  first  estimated  before
             deriving the flows using the stocks as an input.
                This  paper  presents  the  methodological  approach  proposed  in  the
            PECADO project to estimate population flows when SPDs are incomplete.

            2.  Methodology
            2.1.    PECADO Project Overview
                The project proposes a new system of population estimates based on DSE
            methodologies.  The  system  first  estimates  population  stocks  before
            considering estimation of gross population flows. There is no CPR in Ireland
            to  underpin  public  administration  systems.  However,  there  is  a  system  of
            official Person Identification Numbers (PIN) used by persons when engaging
            with public administration systems.

            2.2.    Estimating Stocks - population size
                The  PECADO  project  approach  to  estimating  population  size  can  be
            summarised as follows:
                 Compile an Statistical Population Dataset (SPD) based on Signs of Life
             (SoL) An SPD is a dataset that, in theory, contains one record with attributes
             for  each  person  in  the  population.  In  practice,  an  SPD  may  have  under
             coverage and over coverage with respect to the population. In the PECADO
             project,  the  SPD  is  compiled  with  respect  to  each  calendar  year.  The  SPD
             contains a record for each person where there is significant evidence that the
             person is resident in the State in the calendar year. This evidence is typically of
             the form of a transaction, e.g., paying tax, receipt of child benefit, enrolled in
             education, receiving public healthcare etc.. Administrative data sources are
             chosen to cover the different life stages from the cradle to the grave; births,
             child benefit (universal payment), education (primary, secondary and tertiary),
             employment,  self  employed,  public  health  care,  pensions  and  deaths.  A
             Protected Identifier Key (PIK) is used to link and summarise the records such
             that there is only one record for each persons where one or more Signs of Life
             are identified. The PIK is an encrypted form of the PIN and preserves linkage
             capabilities across data sources and over time while minimising privacy risk by
             eliminating  the  need  to  use  identifiable  information.  Linkage  error  is
             considered minimised as it is based on a high quality PIN. By design, the SoL
             approach eliminates over coverage from the SPD, leaving only undercoverage

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