Page 303 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 303

IPS153 John D.
             complete  (and  free  of  erroneous  records)  estimating  stocks  and  flows
             becomes simply a matter of counting records contained in the SPD in two
             time periods (timepoints), including those records that are common to the
             two time periods (timepoints). In the journey to achieving these goals, the
             methods developed can provide coherent estimates and when the goal is
             achieved  can  be  provide  reassurance  around  that  achievement.  As  the
             coverage of the SPDs improve so too does the quality of the estimates of
             stocks and flows.
                 In  summary,  key  characteristics  of  the  proposed  methodology  to
             estimate gross population flows include:
                 Only one additional assumption is required beyond those required for
             estimating the population size, that the SPD is considered representative of
             the population.
                 Violation of this assumption may only have a low impact, as   →  , the
             impact any violation goes to 0. In practice the size of the SPD is going to be
             close to that of the population (> 90%)..
                 A coherent set of estimates for stocks and flows  through reusing the
             same data sources and using the stock estimates as a basis for estimating
                 In terms of simplicity, the same data sources are used for estimating stocks
             as well as flows in a coherent system using simple DSE methods. Combining
             simple  DSE  methods  with  appropriate  set  intersection  diagrams  will  aid
             explanation of these methods to users.
                 Further work in the PECADO project includes investigation of methods to
             detailed disaggregate state estimates by geography. If this is achievable, it
             may  also  be  feasible  to  further  extend  the  methods  to  estimate  internal
             migration flows.
                 The author notes, the modernisation of systems of population estimates
             requires  new  and  innovative  methods  and  applications  to  fully  exploit
             administrative (and other) data sources. There is a lot to be gained by the
             international statistical community in sharing ideas and practices and hope
             that this paper can make a contribution in this regard.

            1.  EUROSTAT (2003). Demographic statistics: Definitions and methods of
                 collection in 31 European Countries. European Communities.
            2.  EUROSTAT (2015). Demographic Statistics: A review of definitions and
                 methods of collection in 44 European countries. Eurostat.
            3.  Lanzieri, G. (2013). On a New Population Definition for Statistical
                 Purposes Note. In CES Group of Experts on Population and Housing
                 Censuses. UNECE.

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