Page 312 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 312

IPS155 Stefan B. et al.
                  holdings broken down by the holder’s economic sector and country of origin
                  on a security-by-security basis. The reporting scheme comprises the holdings
                  of debt securities, shares and investment fund shares or units. Holders are
                  classified  according  to  the  ESA  sectoral  classification  scheme  and  the
                  amounts held in safe custody are transmitted to the Deutsche Bundesbank.
                  Securities  data  are  indispensable  for  monetary  analysis  as  any  shifts  in
                  financing between the banking system and the securities markets may affect
                  the transmission of monetary policy. In addition, data are essential to monitor
                  the  development  of  amounts  held  and  the  distribution  among  different
                  (groups of)  investors.  Financial  stability  analysis  makes  use of  the  data  to
                  measure  the  risks  associated  with  different  types  of  instruments  and
                  exposures to individual counterparties. Information on the composition and
                  quality  of  the  portfolios  of  holders  is  used  to  better  understand  investor
                   • From 200512 to 201212: end-of-quarter collection

                   • From 201301 to 201603: end-of-month collection

                  Geographical  Coverage:  The  item  “Geographical  Coverage”  provides
                  information on the region where the data was gathered or on which the
                  data is focused.
                  Example: DE (for Germany)
                  Keywords: Please enter the keywords describing the general content
                  of the dataset. You may choose up to 10 keywords. Entries allowed are
                  restricted to a predefined list.
                  Example:  Banks,  Securities,  Financial  markets,  Debt  securities,  Equity  and
                  investment fund shares or units, Financial derivatives
                  Alternative  identifier:  This  metadata  item  is  used  to  indicate  that  the
                  information  about  the  dataset  provided  here  belongs  to  the  metadata
                  collection of INEXDA.
                  Example: INEXDA
                  Relations:  The  item  “Relations”  will  be  used  in  the  future  to  describe
                  relations  between  datasets  and  databases  in  the  INEXDA  metadata
                  database. Examples of relations will include:
                     •  Different versions of a dataset.
                     •  Relation between dataset and database (in a given country)
                     •  Relation  between  datasets  containing  similar  units  (in  different
                     •  Dataset feeds into an ECB dataset

                  Publications:  Allowing  descriptions  of  publications  be  associated  with
                  related datasets provides additional information which is complementary to

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