Page 421 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 421

IPS173 Alexandre Fortier-Labonté et al.
            owned  enterprises  with  controlled  foreign  affiliates.  The  indicator  was
            developed in collaboration with Statistics Canada’s International Accounts and
            Trade Division.
                Data collected by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) also provide details
            about subsidiaries of Canadian enterprises abroad.

            3.  Result
                At the end of 2016 (see Chart 1), 99.2% of enterprises in Canada were
            domestic. Of these, 0.8% were part of an enterprise group, while 98.5% were
            Canadian  non-group  enterprises.  Only  0.8%  of  all  enterprises  operating  in
            Canada were MNEs. Half of MNEs were Canadian majority-owned, with foreign
            affiliates  (MOFAs)  and  half  were  foreign  majority-  owned,  with  Canadian
            affiliates (FMOCAs).
                Although less than 1% of all enterprises were MNEs, they held 67% of all
            assets in the Canadian economy. MOFAs owned more assets than FMOCAs,
            with 49% of the total.

            Note: Numbers might not add up to 100% due to rounding.
            Source: Statistics Canada, author’s calculations based on data from the Annual Financial and Taxation Statistics (AFTS).

                 Charts 2 and 3 show the distribution of assets for MNEs and domestic
            enterprises across industries included in the AFTS for 2016. Most MNE’s assets
            in non-financial industries (Chart 2) were held in manufacturing, distributive
            trades and extraction, while a higher share of domestic enterprise’s assets were
            held  in  real  estate  and  construction.  Overall,  domestic  enterprises  owned
            83.6%  of  all  assets  in  construction  and  70.7%  in  real  estate.  The  local
            knowledge required to operate in both industries could account for the high
            share of assets held by domestic enterprises.

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