Page 447 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 447

IPS176 Thomas A. K.

                             Progress in the measurement of German
                                   commercial property prices
                                         Thomas A. Knetsch
                             Deutsche Bundesbank, Directorate General Statistics

            The compilation of commercial property price indices is a big challenge. In
            Germany, substantive data gaps prevent the national statistical authority from
            calculating and publishing official figures. By contrast, policymakers urge for
            timely, reliable and comprehensive data, thereby making proposals how to
            aggregate and classify individual price information in order to best serve the
            intended  policy  uses.  Experimental  price  indices  according  to  various
            definitions  of  commercial  real  estate  are  constructed  on  the  basis  of  two
            ingredients: the appraisals for transaction prices of houses, apartments, multi-
            family dwellings, office and retail buildings in 127 German towns and cities
            provided  by  bulwiengesa,  a  real  estate  consulting  company,  and
            corresponding data on floor spaces which make it possible to derive coherent
            weighting schemes. The overall price trends revealed by the various indices
            are rather similar while differences in detail can be explained by their specific
            compositions. Analysts may find the price indices helpful to better understand
            trends on German commercial real estate markets. Statisticians may acquire
            from this exercise further knowledge about measurement practices, as official
            statistics are encouraged to take steps in direction to establishing a thorough
            reporting on commercial real estate markets.

            Commercial property price indices; measurement; private data sources; stock
            weighting; Germany

            1.  Introduction
                The demand for commercial property price statistics has increased in the
            aftermath of the global financial crisis as  both policymakers and academic
            scholars urge for timely, reliable and comprehensive data to study economic,
            macroprudential and supervisory issues related to this segment of the real
            estate market. However, as stated by Diewert and Shimizu (2015), for instance,

            1 Address:   Wilhelm-Epstein-Str.   14,   60431   Frankfurt   am   Main,   Germany,
   The author thanks Julian Barnikol, Alexandra Päckert, Mario
            Schimmelpfennig  and  Patrick  Schwind  for  excellent  research  assistance.  The  paper  also
            benefitted from discussions with Christine Schlitzer. Of course, all remaining errors are mine.
            The views expressed in this paper are solely mine and should not be interpreted as reflecting
            the views of the Deutsche Bundesbank.
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