Page 450 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 450

IPS176 Thomas A. K.
                     The  paper  is  organised as  follows.  In  the  first  part  of  the  methodology
                  section, the data and calculation methods applied to extract price trends for
                  office, retail and rental housing in 127 German towns and cities are presented.
                  The second part is devoted to explain the source data used and the choices
                  and assumptions made to derive a coherent weighting scheme for the several
                  definitions of commercial real estate in policy use. In the results section, the
                  price indices for commercial real estate are shown for the total aggregate of
                  127 towns and cities. Finally, conclusions are drawn and potential further work
                  in this field is sketched.

                  2.  Methodology
                      The price indices for commercial real estate in 127 German towns and cities
                  are compiled on the basis of two major components. These are, first, the price
                  trends  for  office  buildings,  retail  space,  multi¬family  dwellings  as  well  as
                  houses and apartments in each of these towns and cities and, second, the city-
                  level data on floor space which is needed to construct weighting schemes
                  according to the definitions of commercial real estate under consideration.

                  a.  Price data for 127 German towns and cities
                      The  data  base  RIWIS   maintained  by  bulwiengesa  comprises  the
                  information  needed  to  calculate  prices  for  office,  retail  and  multi-family
                  dwellings following an income approach. According to this, the market value
                  MV of commercial real estate is inferred using the valuation equation:
                  where  OI  is  (annual)  rental  income  less  of  operating  costs  (including
                  maintenance,  administration  etc.)  and  vacancy  costs  and    is  the
                  capitalisation rate.
                     The data is stratified in the sense that the pricing information is available
                  for each of the relevant object types (office, retail, multi-family dwellings) and
                  for the each of the 127 German towns and cities considered. It results from
                  intensive market observations consisting of surveys among realtors, investors,
                  owners and lessees in the context of actual sales and a careful validation by
                  bulwiengesa experts. The information is of an appraisal nature, as the raw data
                  for  individual  objects  are  adjusted  by  expert  judgment  in  order  to  fit  the
                  reference of prime-segment objects. The valuations thus refer to objects of
                  constant quality over time, implying that their  percentage changes can be
                  interpreted as price changes.

                    RIWIS is the acronym for Regionales Immobilienwirtschaftliches Informationssystem meaning
                  regional real estate information system.
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