Page 451 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 451

IPS176 Thomas A. K.
               Rental  housing  does  not  only  comprise  multi-family  dwellings  but  also
            extends  in  part  to  houses  or  individual  apartments  in  condominiums.  The
            prices of (detached) houses, terraced houses and apartments in 127 towns and
            cities are collected by bulwiengesa  using a  detailed and structured annual
            questionnaire among local contact persons (e.g. real estate agents, real estate
            experts at banks, project developers, investors etc.). The outcome of the survey
            are  assessments  of  transaction  prices  for  typical  objects  which  are
            characterised in terms of size, location, age, fixtures and fittings, and other
            price-determining  factors.  The  bulwiengesa  experts  ensure  a  careful  data
            validation and form valuations which are representative for houses, terraced
            houses and apartments in the 127 towns and cities. As characteristics are kept
            constant over time, the valuations refer to objects of a constant-quality and
            can thus be interpreted as appraisal prices.

            b. Data on the floor space of commercial real estate in 127 German towns
               and cities
               The data on the floor space of commercial real estate is composed by three
            sources. For rental housing, the 2011 census information is used. Office space
            is taken from bulwiengesa, and retail space in the 127 towns and cities results
            from estimates on the basis of official county level data.
               The stock of dwellings as existed on 9 May 2011 (i.e. reporting date of the
            census) is reported in great detail. The tabulated information suits to form the
            aggregates  needed  for  the  derivation  of  weighting  schemes.  One  crucial
            breakdown is along the number of housing units in dwellings. This piece of
            information makes it possible to distinguish between houses (i.e. dwellings
            with one unit or two) and multi-family dwellings (i.e. three and more units).
            With  the  additional  information  about  whether  multi-family  dwellings  are
            condominiums or owned by single legal entities, it is able to separate out the
            number of apartments which can be transacted individually. Information about
            the legal status of the owner help distinguish between dwellings which are
            either  in  the  hands  of  private  households  or  private  enterprises  including
            housing  cooperatives.  Dwellings  owned  by  the  public  sector  are  not
            considered in the calculations here due to the supposition that this could be
            social housing to a large extent. The census also provides information about
            the primary use of dwellings, yielding a distinction between owner-occupied
            housing  and  buy-to-let.   A  categorisation  of  housing  units  in  dwellings
            according  to  their  floor  space  finally  enables  to  account  for  the  fact  that

              Additional categories of minor relevance are holiday homes and vacant homes. While the
            former are split fifty-fifty between owner-occupied and rented out, the latter are completely
            assigned to rental housing as the owners of vacant homes are assumed to live somewhere else.
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