Page 448 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 448

IPS176 Thomas A. K.
                  the development of commercial property price indices (CPPIs) is “one of the
                  fields in statistics that has perhaps lagged the furthest behind” (p. 131). Some
                  important  milestones  were  recently  reached  nonetheless.  International
                  statistical institutions agreed upon a document informing about source data,
                  conceptual frameworks and methodologies to compile CPPIs (Eurostat, 2017).
                  The  collection and  dissemination  of  price  indicators  available  for  the  G-20
                  countries were institutionalized within the G¬20 Data  Gaps Initiative (DGI),
                  with the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) serving as the data hub and a
                  concrete short-term target being formulated in DGI Recommendation II.18. 2
                     In Germany, CPPIs are currently available only from private data providers
                  while official statistics is reluctant to make vigorous efforts aiming to ensure
                  data provision in the short and medium run. Among the private data providers,
                  vdp and bulwiengesa publish CPPIs which are based on sound measurement
                  and  compilation  practices  to  a  sufficient  degree  and  reflect  price
                  developments  with  a  broad  regional  coverage.  The  transaction-based,
                  quarterly vdp indices shall currently be deemed most useful for analysts. The
                  merits of the annual appraisal data from bulwiengesa is not only confined to
                  cross-checks. Rather, as the data is available in the breakdown of 127 German
                  towns and cities as well as for several real estate types such as office, retail,
                  multi-family dwellings, houses and apartments, it is also a valuable source for
                  compiling CPPIs according to several definitions of commercial real estate on
                  an experimental basis.
                     This paper reports on the attempt of the Deutsche Bundesbank to compile
                  experimental CPPIs for various definitions of commercial property in use on
                  the basis of bulwiengesa data and coherent weighting schemes regarding
                  object types. While office and retail buildings as well as logistics and industrial
                  structures  are  unanimously  considered  commercial  real  estate,  there  are
                  alternative views on whether rental housing should be classified as residential
                  or commercial real estate. In general, the classification of rental housing may
                  not be decided universally, as the purpose of the analysis matters. Of crucial
                  importance is, on the one hand, the question as to whether real estate is
                  classified  according  to  the  user  or  the  owner  perspective  (e.g.  Deutsche
                  Bundesbank, 2013). Amongst the definitions in use, the one laid down in the
                  Capital  Requirements  Regulation  (CRR)  implements  the  user  concept  and
                  thus considers rental housing as part of residential real estate. If, by contrast,
                  the owner perspective is taken in its pure form, only owner-occupied housing
                  should be regarded as residential real estate, implying that commercial real
                  estate  –  as  it  completely  includes  rental  housing  –  is  understood  in  the

                  2  The target is that by 2021 G-20 economies are encouraged to provide nationally available CPPI
                  data to BIS, be it from private sources or sourced from official statistics, the latter obviously
                  being the preferred option.
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