Page 452 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 452

IPS176 Thomas A. K.
                  average apartment sizes tend to be the smaller the larger the number of units
                  in the dwelling.
                     For  Laspeyres-type  CPPIs,  a  base  year  must  be  determined.  It  seems
                  appropriate to choose 2011 owing to the full recording of the dwellings stock
                  in the census year. This choice is not at odds with corresponding information
                  available  for  the  office  and  retail  segments.  For  the  floor  space  of  office
                  buildings  in  127  towns  and  cities,  annual  time  series  are  provided  by
                  bulwiengesa. Hence, the 2011 figures can just be taken from this source. The
                  floor space of retail structures in 2011 can be estimated using the following
                  official  publications:  retail  space  in  2014  broken  down  in  31  counties,  the
                  inhabitants of these counties and of the 127 towns and cities in 2011 and
                  2014.   The estimates are obtained by imposing the assumptions that the retail
                  space  per  inhabitant  in  a  town  or  city  be  equal  to  the  retail  space  per
                  inhabitant in the county the town or city belongs to and that these per-capita
                  figures  do  not  change  over  time.  An  assessment  of  the  quality  of  these
                  estimates is possible for those towns and cities for which bulwiengesa data on
                  retailers’ floor spaces in the period between 2010 and 2012 is available. This
                  cross-check reveals a very good performance.
                      By summing up all categories of real estate under consideration, the floor
                  space in the 127 towns and cities in 2011 amounts 1.2 billion square metres.
                  Houses  and  apartments  make  up  almost  one-half,  multi-family  dwellings
                  about one-third and office and retail more or less one-sixth. With comprising
                  only office and retail structures, the smallest concept of commercial real estate
                  (according to CRR) totals 0.2 billion square metres. On the basis of floor space
                  data,  office  space  is  given  a  three  times  higher  weight  than  retail. 6  The
                  inclusion of residential real estate which is rented out by enterprises doubles
                  the  floor  space  of  commercial  real  estate.  Hence,  the  ESRB  definition  of
                  commercial real estate includes rental housing with a share of 50 per cent. In
                  the broadest concept of commercial real estate which includes rental housing,
                  regardless  of  being  owned  by  enterprises  or  private  households,  the  floor
                  space of commercial real estate is about 0.9 billion square metres, with multi-
                  family  dwellings  contributing  almost  one-half,  buy-to-let  houses  and
                  apartments a little more and office and retail a little less than one-quarter.

                  5  Four Bundesländer (North Rhine-Westphalia, Bavaria, Baden-Wurttemberg, Hesse) are divided
                  in Regierungsbezirke due to administrative reasons. These 19 administrative units together with
                  the remaining 12 Bundesländer form the county level considered here.
                    In the vdp CPPI, office is given a weight of 60 per cent using information about the outstanding
                  loans granted by mortgage banks. In the bulwiengesa CPPI, office makes up only a quarter and
                  retail three quarters, representing the shares of the object types in tradable assets. See also
                  Knetsch et al. (2019), p. 6.
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