Page 464 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 464

IPS177 Sayako K. M. et al.

                      (Chart 4) Holdings of Foreign Debt    (Chart 5) Ratio of Foreign Debt Securities
                                 Securities                        in Foreign Securities

                    CB: Central Bank, NFC: Non-financial corporations, ODC:
                    Other deposit-taking corporations,
                    OFC: Other financial corporations,
                    GG: General government, ICPF: Insurance corporations and
                    pension funds, HH&NPISH: Households & NPISH

                  3.5 Future issues
                      We  are  still  in  the  early  stage  in  terms  of  achieving  the  DGI-2
                  recommendations  II.8  on  Institutional  Sector  Accounts.  There  is  still  more
                  room to enhance the foreign debt securities data if more granular data are
                  available. In addition, we have other remaining issues as mentioned in 3.2,
                  including the breakdown of loans and debt securities by maturity and currency
                  in  both  asset  and  liability  sides.  We  plan  to  further  collect  new  additional
                  disaggregated/granular  data  to  compile  the  breakdown  of  loans,  debt
                  securities, and foreign securities, while giving due consideration to the balance
                  between  respondent  burden  and  users’  convenience  for  economic  and
                  financial analysis.

                  4.  Summary
                      This paper presented our progress in the implementations of the DGI-2
                  recommendations II.7 on securities statistics and II.8 on institutional  sector
                  accounts. Regarding securities statistics, we describe what type of new data
                  sources and methodology will be applied to identify the breakdown data by
                  currency, maturity, interest rate, and the domestic/international market. The
                  preliminary  outcomes  on  debt  securities  show  some  important features  of
                  Japan’s  debt  securities  market.  Regarding  institutional  sector  accounts,  we
                  present our initiatives to decompose the foreign securities into foreign debt
                  securities,  foreign  equities  and  foreign  investment  funds  with  some
                  outstanding features based on the tentative outputs. Toward the final deadline
                  in 2021, we will continue to work on the remaining issues relating to the DGI-
                  2 recommendations.

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