Page 463 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 463

IPS177 Sayako K. M. et al.
                    (b) conduct a survey of the entities; or (c) calculate figures as residuals
                    and do not estimate the figures directly from the data sources.
            3.4 Results
                The total foreign debt securities are estimated to  be about 369 trillion

            yen at the end of June 2018. Chart 4 shows that the foreign debt securities
            held by GG, ICPF, and ODC account for around 80% of the total amount. The
            holdings  by  GG  including  investment  by  foreign  exchange  reserves   and
            Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF)  account for around 35% of the
            total foreign debt securities issues. The time-series data shows ICPFs gradually
            increase their share over recent years while ODCs decrease amid the recent
            upward  trend  in  the  U.S.  interest  rate.  The  BOJ’s  Financial  System  Report
            describes the recent movement of insurance companies in the following way,
            "a breakdown of portfolios shows that purchases of domestic bonds, which
            offer low yields, have been restrained amid the prolonged low interest rate
            environment, while investment in foreign bonds and investment funds, which
            offer relatively high yields, has increased."
                Chart 5 illustrates the ratio of foreign debt securities in foreign securities
            and shows more than 60% of foreign securities are investments in foreign debt
            securities, except for the case of OFCs including securities investment trusts
            sector  in  the  FFA.  The  time  series  data  shows  the  share  of  foreign  debt
            securities,  most  of  which  are  denominated  in  U.S.  dollar  has  gradually
            decreased amid the recent upward trend of the U.S. interest rate.

            11  The spot rate as of the end of June 2018 is 110.64 yen/dollar.
            12  Foreign exchange reserves are foreign  financial assets that can be used immediately and
            under the control of monetary authorities for financing or regulating payments imbalances or
            indirectly make adjustments for foreign exchange market intervention.
               The GPIF "manage and invest the Reserve Funds of the Government Pension Plans entrusted
            by  the  Minister  of  Health,  Labour  and  Welfare,  in  accordance  with  the  provisions  of  the
            Employees' Pension Insurance Act (Law No.115 of 1954) and the National Pension Act (Law
            No.141 of 1959), and shall contribute to the financial stability of both Plans by paying out profits
            of investment to the Special Accounts for the Government Pension Plans."
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