Page 459 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 459

IPS177 Sayako K. M. et al.
                 estimated by combining the total outstanding at the nominal value based
                 on  the  FFA  with  microdata  which  includes  individual  characteristics  of
                 debt securities. For instance, to calculate the debt securities by currency
                 we follow steps 1) to 3) (Table 1).
                 1)  Break down sectorally classified data  by currency and then calculate
                 the composition ratio of domestic and foreign currency. The granular data
                 are used solely for calculating the composition ratio since the coverage of
                 microdata is not exactly the same as that of the FFA.
                 2)  Multiply the composition ratio of 1) by the amount outstanding of debt
                 securities at nominal values based on the FFA.
                    e.g.  the  outstanding  of  domestic  currency  issues  in  the  domestic
                    market are calculated as follows:
                           Ofd = Of * ( Omd / (Omd + Omr) )
                 3)  Sum up debt securities issued in domestic and international markets
                 by currency.
                    e.g.  the  total  outstanding  amount  of  domestic  currency  issues  are
                    calculated as follows:
                           Tfd = Ofd + Ifd
                                Table 1: Debt Securities by Currency

                 (2)-2 Debt securities issued by residents in the international market
                 The total outstanding amount of debt securities issued by residents in
                 international markets by respective sector are compiled based on the FFA
                 data. Afterwards, the total amount is divided into domestic and foreign
                 currency; short and long maturity; and fixed and variable interest rates
                 with  the  use  of  the  composition  ratio  estimated  from  the  BIS  IDSS’s
                 disaggregated data. In addition, for further maturity breakdown (1 year

              The sectorally classified data are compiled by breaking down microdata of domestic debt
            securities by economic sector in alignment with sectoral classification in the DGI-2 template.
            The individual data is classified into respective economic sector by examining the respective
            issuers’ name.
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