Page 81 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 81

IPS61 Rituparna S. et al.
            2.1 Principal Components Analysis of Functional Data
                We represent the smooth functional  in terms of its decomposition into
            functional principal components, a common approach in FDA. For the domain
            Ƭ, setting
                   (, ) =   ((), ()),            (()) =  (),    ,   Ƭ,           (2)

            the  functional  principal  components  are  the  eigenfunctions  of  the  auto-
            covariance operator   ∶  ℋ  ↦  ℝ, a linear operator on the space ℋ, that is
            given by
                                   ()() = ∫ Ƭ (, )().

                We  denote  the  orthonormal  eigenfuncitons  by   ,  with  associated
            eigenvalues    for    =  1, 2, . . .,  such  that   ≥  ≥ ⋯  and  Σ  < ∞.  The
            Karhunen-Loève  theorem  (see  Rice  and  Silverman  (1991))  provides  a
            representation of individual random trajectories of the functional , given by
                          () =   () + ∑ ∞  (),          ϵ Ƭ,                              (3)
            Where the   are uncorrelated random variables that satisfy
                     = ∫(() −  ())  (),     =  0,      ( ) = λ           (4)
            Under the data generating mechanism in (1), one has with indicator function
                   E( ()) =  (),      Cov( (),   ()) =  (, ) +  I ( = ).      (5)

                This implies that the smooth mean function   and the smooth covariance

            surface  can be consistenly estimated from available data by pooling the
            sample  of    trajectories  and  smoothing  the  resulting  scatterplot.  The

            exception for targeting points on  with  =  in (5) is necessitated by the
            presence  of  .  This  does  not  pose  a  problem,  since  it  follows  from  the
            smoothness of the surface   that the areas of  (, ), for which  = , can
            still  be  consistently  estimated.  Well-known  procedures  exist  to  infer
            eigenfunctions  and  eigenvalues  (Rice  and  Silverman  (1991);  Müller  et  al.
                Processes  are then approximated by substituting estimates and using a
            judiciously chosen finite number K of terms in sum (3). This choice can be
            made using one-curve-leave out cross-validation (Rice and Silverman (1991)),
            pseudo-AIC criteria Yao et al. (2005) or a scree plot, a tool from multivariate
            analysis,  where  one  uses  estimated  eigenvalues  to  obtain  a  prespecified
            fraction of variance explained as a function of K or looks for a change-point.
                The  above  procedure  is  also  known  in  numerical  analysis  under  the
            acronym proper orthogonal decomposion and as such it is used to price and
            hedge  financial  derivatives  on  forward  curves;  see  Hepperger  (2010)  for
            examples from the energy market and further references.
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