Page 102 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 102

IPS184 Celestino G. et al.
                  average (-0.49) as opposed to below the average (or to surplus). At the same
                  time,  households  present  relative  high  net  lending  (0.24),  rather  than  net
                  borrowing as in cluster 1.
                      Cluster 3 ([    0.49 ]) represents a textbook net lending configuration, with
                  deficits  in  non-financial  corporations  (-1.26)  and  government  (-0.62)  and
                  surpluses in the financial sector (0.49) and households (0.50), although the
                  former are larger than the latter, leading to an overall external deficit. The
                  neuron in cluster 4 ([     ]) is a more extreme deficit economy stemming
                  from  the  private  sector  (-1.60  for  NFCs,  -0.92  for  households),  while  the
                  government presents higher net lending (0.78).
                      Clusters 5 and 6 represent outliers, GR before and after the crisis (neuron
                  [     0.39 ] with contemporaneous deficits in government and households not
                  seen  in  any  other  country,  and  CY  before  the  crisis  ([ −4.98 ]),  due  to  the

                  exceptionally high deficit in the financial sector (-4.98 standardised).
                      The  clustering  presents  borderline  cases,  which  can  be  detected  by
                  training the SOM  a few times and identifying cases where the pair country-
                  period  is  sometimes  allocated  to  different  clusters  (SOM,  as  other  deep
                  learning technologies, does not deliver the exact same final results every time
                  they  are  run,  these  being  dependant  on  the  initialization  of  the  neural
                  network ).  One  prominent  case  is  ES  before  the  crisis  (ES_1),  which  shows
                  deficits in the private sector of significantly lower magnitude than those of the
                  other countries in the cluster (EE, LV, LT). Some other clustering results put
                  ES_1 in cluster 1, rather than in cluster 4, on the basis of its relatively better
                  fiscal position (in such a case the neuron of cluster 4 also becomes more tilted
                  towards  the  ES_1  configuration  with  lower  NFC  and  government  relative
                      Now we move to the second part of the analysis and apply the PCA before
                  the  SOM.  As  mentioned  earlier,  this  allows  us  to  work  with  reduced
                  dimensionality and better visualise the closeness of the country-period pairs

                   7  This can be avoided by setting fix weights for the initial neural network before training.
                   However we have followed random initialization precisely to obtain information on possible
                   borderline cases.
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