Page 121 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 121

IPS 188 G. P. Samanta
            2.3 Change in Indices/Variables, Inflation Rates and Codes/Symbols
                Used for Different Variables
                The k-period inflation rates for t-th month, based on CPIs are the log-
            return or continuously compounding, are computed as
                           = 100 ∗ [    log   − log  −  ]                              ….3
            Where   is the m-period change or inflation rate at t-th month; m=1 for
            monthly  change/inflation  and  m=12  for  annual  inflation/change;  X=CPI-C,
            CPI-U, CPI-R or Google trend indices GMPrice, GMInfl.
                 For convenience in referencing any transformation or derived variable for
            a  time  series,  say  X,  we  used  codes/symbols  as  follows;  gX  =  annual
            percentage changes as in Eqn. (3); lnX = log ();  ∆X and ∆2X represent 1 and
            2  difference of X, respectively; eX and e2X are residual obtained by fitting
            linear and quadratic time trends on X respectively; where X = CPI-C, CPI-U,
            GMPrice, GMInfl or corresponding logtransformations.

            3.  Results
                The assessment of the information content of a given Google search Index
            is  carried  out  in  a  multi-step  process.  First,  we  examine  basic  time  series
            properties,  such  as  stationarity  or  non-stationarity,  of  offline  price  indices,
            Google trend index, change in indices and inflation rates.
            3.1  Tests  for  Unit-Root  –  Difference-Stationary  and  Trend-Stationary
                 We applied Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) and Phillips-Perron (PP) tests
            for  examining  if  (a)  log-transformed  indices  are  stationary,  and  (b)  if  any
            detected non-stationary series belongs to trend-stationary (TS) or difference-
            stationary (DS) class. The equation considered for implementing ADF tests for
            a time series Xt is of the following general form.
                           ∆Xt   =   α   +   βt   +   ρXt−1   +   ∑ 1 =1  ∆ −    +   
            Where ∆ is the difference operator; α, β, ρ and   are unknown constants, and
              is the usual error series.
                 In Eqn. (4), parameters of interest are β and ρ. If β=0 and ρ<1 then Xt is a
            stationary, i.e. I(0) series, and if (β,ρ) =(0,1) then Xt has unit-root and belongs
            to  difference-stationary  process,  i.e.  Xt is  non-stationary  I(1)  and  ∆Xt  is I(0)
            process. However, if β ≠ 0 and ρ < 1, then also Xt is non-stationary and belongs
            to trend-stationary (TS) series. Removal of deterministic time trend from a TS
            series  would  yield  a  stationary  or  I(0)  series.  The  unit-root  tests  were  first
            carried  out  for  for  log(CPI-C),  log(CPI-U),  log(GMPrice)  and  log(GMInfl)
            directly, and found some mixed results (Table 1). It appears that while lnCPI-C
            and  lnCPI-U  are  I(2)  processes,  lnGPPrice  and  lnGMInfl  are  I(1)  processes.
            Further,  we  examined  the  stationarity  or  unit-root  properties  of  annual
            inflation rates based on CPI-C and CPI-U, and the annual percentage change

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